
Showing posts from 2019

Paranormal Uses of Horse, Mule and Donkey in Tantric Practices

In this post, I have written about the use of the body parts of Horses, Mules and Donkeys in Tantra Shastra and some paranormal experiments practiced by Tantriks and others practitioners of Voodoo and Occult Spells in India.

Tantrik Videshan Totke without Mantra

In this post, I have written about three Shatru Videshan Tantrik Totke or Voodoo Black Magic Enemy Annihilation Spells that make the uses of the body parts of a snake along with the hair of a Mongoose and the Ash of a dead person for separating enemies.

Mantra for Divya Drishti and Becoming Trikaldarshi

In this post, I have written about a Mantra Sadhana to get Divya Drishti or Divine Visions and become Trikaaldarshi or gain the supernatural powers of seeing the past, present, and future of any individual or place.

Aughad Mantra Sadhana to Gain Supernatural Powers

In this post, I have described an authentic Aughad or Aghor Mantra Sadhana dedicated to Lord Shiva to clear the mind, remove mental darkness and see everything as it actually exists without the veil of Maya. The other side-benefits of this Mantra Sadhana is the gain of all kinds of Siddhis or Supernatural Powers.

How to Chant Gayatri Mantra without Purashcharan

In this post, I have written about the Purashcharan procedure of gaining Siddhi over the Gayatri Mantra and if doing Purashcharan is not possible for you then how to chant the Gayatri Mantra to bring peace and prosperity into your lives.

Coconut Camphor Ritual for Peace and Prosperity

A simple but effective paranormal ritual called the Karpur-Nariyal Homam using a Coconut and Camphor or Kapoor for removing negativity and sadness and bringing peace, prosperity, and happiness into the home has been described in this post.

Bhairava Mantra for Success and Health

Bhairav Upasana and Meditation is considered to be very effective and powerful for removing all kinds of obstacles that are blocking the progress of an individual. Bhairav Worship is especially very beneficial in today’s troubled times of the Kaliyuga or the Age of Darkness.

Yantra for Vashikaran, Money and Knowledge of Future

A very useful Numerical and Astrological Yantra having the three different uses of increasing attraction powers, getting money and wealth and getting the answers to future happenings in dreams has been described in this post.

Simple Remedy to Get Rid of Scary Dreams

A most simple paranormal remedy, which works effectively in getting rid of fearful dreams and nightmares has been described in this post. This easy to practice remedy can be useful to any person who wishes to remove this dream related problem without using any Mantra , Yantra or Prayer.

Vashikaran Mantra using Kali Haldi Tilak

I had written about the paranormal uses of Kali Haldi or Black Turmeric as this substance is called in the English language. In this post, I will explain a simple Vashikaran Vidhi for influencing powerful persons using Kali Haldi by applying a Vashikaran Tilak on the forehead.

Easy Enemy Removal Remedy from Kak Tantra

In this post, I have written about a very simple and easy to implement enemy removal remedy from the Kak Tantra. In order to practice this remedy a very basic but effective Uchchatan Yantra Vidhi has to be practiced, which is very suitable for lay-persons who wish to get rid of their enemies quickly and effortlessly.

10 Simple Vastu Remedies for Main or South Facing Doors

In this post, I have written about 10 Simple and easy to practice Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Main or Dakshin Mukhi Darwaza or South Facing Doors. These Vastu Tips are very useful in preventing or deflecting evil and harmful energies from entering the house and attracting positive vibrations.

Gayatri Mantra to Increase Attraction Powers

In the post, I have written about a method of using the Gayatri Maha Mantra to increase your attraction powers or Vashikaran or Akarshan Shakti and be able to enchant all or any special man or woman for any kind of purpose, including romance or business.

Ramayana Sloka to Increase Intelligence in Just 3 Chants

The Mantra described in this post is the first Sloka or the Root Verse of the Valmiki Ramayana that has also been attributed with the powers of bestowing true knowledge and sharpening the mind of the chanter.

Mantras for Ringworm and Fungal Infections

In this post, I have written about 2 Healing Mantras for getting relief from Daad Khaj and Khujli or itching and scratching related to ringworm or a fungal infection like jock itch, yeast infection and other such skin diseases.

Nati Yakshini Mantra for Fulfilling All Wishes

In this post, I have written about a Mantra Prayog for invoking the Nati Yakshini and getting a Jaduee Anjan or Magical Khol or Eyeliner that can fulfill all wishes of the practitioner or give him success in everything.

Mantra for Success in Government Work

In this post, I have written about a Rajkarya Siddhi Mantra or a Mantra for getting success in any official work, including work pertaining to the government, courts, banks, employer or boss related work or any other similar kind of activity.

4 Most Effective Mantras for Marriage of Girls

In this post, I have written about 4 Most Powerful and effective Kanya Vivah Hetu Mantras or Mantras for the marriage of a girl or woman and the procedure for practicing them. All these Mantra are considered to be very effective and beneficial in increasing the marriage prospects of an aspiring bride.

Yantra for Memory and Focus

A very useful Yantra to improve memory, focus, grasping power and concentration has been described in this post. This Yantra is especially useful for school going children who are weak in studies because of their inability to concentrate on what is being taught in class.

Kreem Beej Mantra to Remove Darkness

In this post, I have written about the immense benefits of chanting the most powerful Kreem Beej Mantra to immediately remove the fear of anything, including unknown fear or remove restlessness, depression,  anxiety or phobia and calm down the mind and remove darkness.

Beej Mantra to Calm Down Vishuddha Chakra

In this post, I have written about a Beej Mantra that is said to free a person possessed by the Shakini Shakti. This can also be termed as a Mantra to remove the malfunctioning of the Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra, which is the Fifth of the Seven main Chakras of the Kundalini Shakti and is located in the throat and neck region.

Mantra Prayog for Divine Grace of Shri Ganesha

Today, I have given a very easy Prayog to get the divine blessings and grace of Lord Ganesha and solve all problems, including pressing and difficult problems and attract prosperity and abundance. - Post By A Sadhak

Ashtalakshmi Mantra for Money Attraction

An effective Poverty Removal Ashtalakshmi Mantra for resolving severe money and financial problems and difficulties has been given in this post. This Ashtalakshmi Mantra can attract money and other necessities and help the practitioner in overcoming his problems.

Vashikaran By 15 Ka Yantra, Sarson, Name and Fire

In this post, I have described the procedure of practicing a Vashikaran Experiment using the most powerful 15 or Pandrah Ka Yantra, Name of the Desired Person, Fire or Agni, Sarson Ka Tel or Mustard Oil for casting a Love Spell on any particular desired man or woman for the purpose of getting love and affection.

How to Chant Life Transforming Mantras

In this post, I have written about Life Transforming Mantras that are said to change the life of an individual and help him discover God. Many followers of Mantra Vidya often ask for a special or magical Mantra that will change their lives for the better, hence, this post should be useful for these people who wish to practice such Mantras.

Karna Pishachini Mantra to Get Answer to Desired Question

In this post, I have written about a Mantra Sadhana for invoking the Karna Pishachini Yakshini and getting the answer to a desired question about the future while sleeping. The Karna Pishachini Yakshini is said to tell the past, present and future in the ears of the person who has succeeded in invoking her.

Secret Mantra Tantra to Become Invisible to Others

In this post, I have described one more Mantra-Tantra Prayog for acquiring the supernatural power of becoming Adrishya or invisible and not be seen by other people. This is an Occult Spell that is based on Jain Mantra Shastra, which contains numerous Sadhanas to get paranormal powers.

Vashikaran with Supari and Kleem Beej Mantra

In this post, I have described a very simple but effective Vashikaran Mantra Experiment using Supari or Betal Nut and the Magical Kleem Mantra Beej to enchant and control any desired man or woman for the motive of love or marriage.

Revenge Yantra to Separate Two Persons

In this post, I have written about a Tamsik Revenge Yantra for separating or splitting two persons by creating friction, differences of opinion and arguments between them, which will make them hate each other so much that they will fight and eventually break-up.

Mantra to Get Rid of Houseflies

In this post, I have written about a simple Mantra to get rid of houseflies from the house or surroundings of the practitioner. This is a Surkasha or Protection Beej Mantra that has its origins in Jain Mantra Shastra .

Beneficial Prayog to Get Mercy of Shri Ganesha

Today, I have shared a very easy, beneficial and effective Prayog to get the mercy of Lord Ganesha, which helps the practitioner in successfully completing all tasks and fulfilling all cherished and important wishes. – Post By Guru

How to Immediately Stop Superstitions Using a Mantra

Almost everyone suffers from some or the other kind of superstition that has been ingrained into their minds either over a long period of time, spontaneously or due to some sort of coincidence. In this post, I will explain how to get rid of it quickly and effortlessly by using a simple Mantra of your Ishta Devta.

Mantra to Stay in a Good House

In this post, I have written about a Mantra that has been attributed with the special powers of giving the practitioner a suitable house or a place to stay . This small but most effective Mantra is derived from one of the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu which have been described in the Vishnu Sahasranamam or Vishnu Sahasranamavali.

Panchanguli Devi Mantra to Forecast Future

The Sadhana of Panchanguli Devi Mantra to Forecast Future Devi is practiced by many Sadhaks who wish to be able to predict the future or visualize the things that are going to occur in the future. The Mantra for invoking Panchanguli Devi Mantra to Forecast Future Devi given in this post is said to invoke the Goddess and get her blessing for Sarva Karya Siddhi or success in everything, including the psychic ability to foresee the future.

Mantra to Immobilize Tongue and Conspiracies of Enemies

An effective Mantra to shut down all the activities of an enemy, opponent or rival by immobilizing his tongue has been described in this post. This Stambhan or Immobilization Mantra is also said to stop enemies and the other un-friendly people mentioned above from successfully hatching any kind of conspiracy against the practitioner.

Beej Mantra for Luxuries and Wealth and Clearing Debts

Today, I am giving a Beej Mantra Sadhana for attaining wealth and luxuries. Money problems can be solved by practicing this Beej Mantra Sadhana and all your debts or problems related to money and finance will start improving and your trade or business will start growing. - Post By Guru

Powerful Beej Mantra for Getting Wealth

Today, I have given information about a Beej Mantra Sadhana for Sarv Karya Sidhhi or for the fulfillment of all tasks. This Beej Mantra is beneficial in increasing the chances of getting success in all sorts of work and tasks.- Post By Guru

Powerful Mantra for Vashikaran, Beauty, Wealth and Success

In this post, I have written about a Most Powerful and Diverse Mantra Chant that has been attributed with the powers of fulfilling wishes relating to Vashikaran, Gain of Money and Wealth , Victory over Enemies and Rivals, Gain of Beauty and Good Looks and the fulfillment of any cherished wish or desire of the practitioner.

Beej Mantra for Strength, Power and Energy

Today, I have written about a Beej Mantra Sadhana for getting strength, power and energy.  Problems related to strength and low-energy can be solved by practicing this Mantra Sadhana, which will remove weakness and fatigue. - Post By Guru

Vijay Lakshmi Mantra to Emerge Victorious

In this post, I have explained about the Mool Mantra of the Vijay or Jaya Lakshmi Form of Lakshmi Mata, which bestows every kind of victory to the devotee and helps him in emerging victorious. This  Mool Mantra also enhances the chances of the practitioner in overcoming hurdles, obstacles, and problems.

Vashikaran Yantra to Get Support of Enemies

An Enemy Attraction or Vashikaran Yantra that acts like a cham for influencing the enemy or any other unfriendly or hostile man or woman and get favors from that person and make him support you or perform any task or work for you has been described in this post.

Attract Wealth and Positivity on Lakshmi Pujan

Lakshmi Pujan is probably the most important of the auspicious days of the festival of Diwali and this year Lakshmi Puja will be celebrated on the 27th of October 2019. This is one the most beneficial days of the Hindu Calendar Year for attracting wealth, abundance and positivity into your lives and homes.

Attract Good Health and Wealth on Dhanteras

Dhanteras, the First Day of the much-awaited festival of Diwali is on the 25th of October 2019.  This is a most auspicious and beneficial day for every kind of Satvik or Pure Venture, including getting Mastery over all kinds of Satvik Mantras, especially those related to healing and health and wealth and good fortune.

Powerful Remedy for Success on Diwali

This is a very powerful Siddhi Sadhana or procedure to invoke a supernatural power like an angel. There are many sorts of powers present in the universe and some powers are here in this Prithvi Loka that is earth. - Post By Guru

Mantra for Money and Vashikaran of Anyone

In this post, I have written about a Beej Mantra Combination that serves three different purposes at the same time. These three purposes are the Vashikaran of any person including enemies, a gain of money and wealth and protection from the weapons of enemies or other unfriendly persons.

Mantra for Success in Attracting Money and Wealth

Many people work hard and still, they don't get success in attracting money and wealth, which can be due to many known or unknown reasons.  But today the Mantra which I am giving can give you success in attracting money and wealth. - Post By Guru

Vashikaran By Kajal Mantra to Attract Anyone

Vashikaran Mantras and other attraction remedies using Kajal, Surma, Anjan or Kohl or any kind of Black Eye-Liner are considered to be very effective in putting any man or woman under an attraction spell because by using this method the practitioner also uses his eyes to gaze at everyone or any specific Man or woman.

Naqsh for Captivating Anyone under Attraction Spell

Today, I am giving a Naqsh/Yantra to captivate anyone or to do Sammohan or hypnotism of someone you love or for any other good purposes, including business purposes. This Mantra will bring them to you and make them come under your attraction spell. - Post By A Sadhak

Shreem Mantra to Attract Money and Wealth

In this post, I have described a very easy and simple but potent method of unlocking the immense power of the Shreem Beej Mantra by chanting a Lakshmi Mantra that is dedicated to the Aishwarya or the wealth and prosperity bestowing form of Lakshmi Mata, which will start attracting money and wealth.

Vashikaran Mantra to Attract Everyone for Any Purpose

Today I m giving an Amal/Vashikaran Mantra to captivate anyone or to do Sammohan of someone you love or for any other good purpose, including commercial and business purposes. - Post By Guru

Gayatri Mantra Energized Silver Ring Remedy for Piles

A simple method of energizing a silver ring with the Gayatri Mantra and then wearing that ring to get relief from piles has been described in this post. This uncomplicated and easy to practice paranormal remedy is suitable for lay-persons as well as advanced spiritualists who can practice it along with his on-going medication.

Most Effective Mantras for Sharad Purnima

Tomorrow is Kojagiri or Sharad Purnima also called as Ashwin Purnima. It is considered to be a most auspicious day for practicing any kind of Mantra Sadhana, especially those related to Lakshmi, Kubera and Saraswati or wealth and gain of knowledge.

Simple and Powerful Vishnu Mantras for Enemy Problems

The two Mantra given in this post are from the Shri Vishnu Sahastranamavali or Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam a Stotram that comprises the 1000 names of Bhagwan Vishnu. These two Mantra can be chanted for the removal or destruction of enemies.

Vashikaran By Only 1 Chant at Night

In this post, I have written about a Vashikaran Mantra Chant that is said to possess the powers of attracting any desired man or woman by chanting the Vashikaran Mantra just 1 time at night before going to sleep.

Shreem Brzee New Age Miracle Money Mantra

I get a lot of Mail from my readers who wish to know more about the new-age Miracle Shreem Brzee Mantra-श्रीं ब्रजी मंत्र, which has been attributed with the magical powers of attracting all kinds of wealth  and prosperity, including money and material luxuries.

Vashikaran Mantra Using Peepal Stick

Vashikaran using the leaves of a Peepal tree or invoking a Peepal tree is a very popular and famous method of casting Vashikaran Spells on any desired man or woman. In this post, I have described a special method of using a stick of the Peepal tree in order to bind any man or woman under a very strong attraction spell.

Yantra to Uproot and Make Enemy Roam Aimlessly

The correct method of making and using a Prachin or ancient enemy eradication Yantra for uprooting an enemy from your surroundings and making him move around aimlessly or without direction and purpose like a mad person has been described in this post.

Which are the Most Effective and Powerful Wealth Mantras

Currently, we are experiencing severe fluctuations in the money and job markets, not only in India but in most parts of the world. Hence, many of the regular readers of our site keep on inquiring about the most powerful and effective Hindu Mantras for Wealth , Abundance and Prosperity.

Attract Positivity this year during Navratri

The auspicious and colorful festive days of Navratri have commenced today on the 29th of September and will continue till 7th of October 2019 followed by Dussehra or Vijayadashami. The spiritual minded will no doubt pray to the nine forms of the Mother Goddess , while others will enjoy themselves by participating in Dandiya Raas and other forms of entertainment.

How to Remove Side Effects of Voodoo Spells

In this post, I have published a mail for a reader who firmly believes that she is a victim of some most powerful voodoo black-magic spells and appears to be in some sort of mental turmoil and wishes for a quick and fast working remedy to exorcise the after effects of the voodoo spells.

Simple Method of Using Popular Vashikaran Yantra

In this post, I have described the simple and uncomplicated working behind a very popular Vashikaran Spell that makes use of a Vashikaran Yantra and a simple and basic Akarshan Mantra for casting a love spell on any desired man or woman.

How to Remove Yakshinis and Apsaras from your Mind

Many of our readers regularly practice all kinds of Mantra Sadhanas for gaining Divine Powers and all kinds of Siddhis. Sometimes it so happens that while practicing a Mantra Sadhana, the practitioner succeeds in inadvertently or unintentionally attracting some other supernatural entity and does not know what is happening to him and what to do.

Amal for Protection from Blackmagic from Unknown Sources

Hello readers of, Black magic is a very frequently used word nowadays and every 6 out of 10 people in this field says that they are being attacked or affected by black magic. But in reality black magic does not actually exist it is just a word or name given to Tantra Kriyas used for harming someone and the source of the danger is unknown so it seems like negative magic and so it is called as black magic. - - Post By Guru

Our YouTube Channel on Mantra and Yantra Vidya

A little over a year and a half back we started your YouTube Channel to enable our readers to understand the various articles published on our site, especially those on Mantras, Yantras and the various Tantras in the Hindi language and know the exact pronunciations of these Mantras and Prarthanas.

Muslim Exorcism Talisman and Ritual

A Muslim exorcism talisman and ritual for exorcising a possessed person of ghosts, spirits and other unseen ghostly beings, energies and entities has been described in this post. The exorcism technique used in this Tantra is most simple and it can easily be put into actual practice by anyone.

The Great Maha Mohan Vashikaran Yantra

In this post, I have described a Vashikaran Yantra that is called as the Maha  Mohan Vashikaran Yantra or a Great Enchantment Charm that has the power of casting a tremendously powerful and effective Voodoo Spell of Attraction on all men and women at the same time.

Yantra to Accurately Predict Winning Gambling Numbers

This Yantra described by me in this post is a very powerful and effective Talisman to accurately predict or calculate the winning numbers of gambling games , like Satta, Matka, Lotto or Lottery or other number games in which the results are based upon numbers.

Shabar Mantra for Good and Sufficient Food

The Mantra given in this post is a Shabar Mantra that is chanted for  for having sufficient good, wholesome and nutritious food in the house at all times. This is a Shabar Mantra from the times of the Mughals in the Middle-Ages as can be seen in the wordings of this Shabar Mantra.

Magical Yantra for Luck and Success

A Magical Yantra for gain of every kind of success, good luck and fortune had been described in this post. This Magic Yantra containing the Hreem Beej – ह्रीं बीज is used in a specific Tantra for gaining the benefits that have been mentioned above.

Very Strong Mahamaya Wish Fulfilling Mantra

In this post, I have written about a very strong and powerful wish fulfilling Mantra dedicated to Mahamaya, which apart from fulfilling wishes and desires gives immense wealth and material comforts to the practitioner.

Talisman of Mars for Enemy Destruction and Good Fortune

In this post, I have written about an enemy destruction talisman that apart from destroying the enemy and put an end to the problems coming from him once and for all also fulfills the wishes and desires of the practitioner and makes him wealthy and prosperous.

Vashikaran Yantra to Make Anyone Forget Enmity Quickly

In this post, I have described a very useful Vashikaran Yantra for removing enmity with anyone person immediately. As per the Vashikaran Tantra, when the enemy comes across the practitioner wearing this Yantra on his body, he quickly forgets the enmity, animosity or anger that he harbors for the practitioner.

Indian Talisman to Cure Migraine

A simple to make and use healing talisman for getting relief from migraine or half headache has been described in this post. This Indian healing talisman is an Yantra that vibrates to special frequency and helps in giving relief to people suffering from migraine.

Muslim Brick and Grave Tantra to Punish Enemies

An Islamic Tantra to Finish Off Enemies, which makes the use of a numerical Yantra or Wazifa, a brick and a tomb or grave has been described in this post. This is an ancient Muslim Yantra Prayog for destroying enemies and getting rid of the problems, threats, dangers and harassment originating from them.

Kamakshi Yogini Shodashi Mantra Sadhana

In this post, I have described the procedure of practicing the Kamakshi Yogini Shodashi Mantra Sadhana for appeasing the Yogini and fulfilling all wishes and desires and gaining Vashikaran Siddhi or the supernatural power of attracting any person or a group of persons.

Shri Ganesh Totka for Getting Married Quickly

A simple but effective Totka or paranormal for getting married quickly with the blessings of Shri Ganesha has been described in this post. This Totka is useful for devotees of Shri Ganesha who are finding it difficult to find a suitable match or those whose marriages are getting delayed due to some or the other problem, obstacle or unknown reason.

Vashikaran Remedies to Control Husband or Any Man

In this post, I have written about 4 effective Vashikaran Remedies or Totke that are said to possess the paranormal power to infatuate any man, including a husband or boyfriend and enable the woman practitioner to control him and even make him submissive and subservient like a slave.

Kshetrapal Worship and Mantras to Appease Him

Kshetrapal as described in an earlier post is the protective deity who guards a specific place or region from all kinds of dangers or even preventing the entry of malefic entities into that place. Many Sadhaks worship the Kshetrapal and chant a Mantra or prayer or even perform a ritual in order to appease the Kshetrapal for getting success in the Sadhana or Prayog.

Lal Kitab Remedy for Problem Free Construction of House

A simple paranormal remedy from the Lal Kitab for the problem free construction of a Vastu meaning a house or a building, including a residential or commercial building or factory has been described in this post. This Totka is said to ensure that there are no delays or obstacles, while the structure is being constructed.

Strong and Unbreakable Vashikaran Mantra Using Clove

In this post, I have written about a strong and unbreakable or Shaktishali Aur Atoot Vashikaran Mantra, which makes the use of a Laung or Clove to attract and desired man or woman. This Clove Vashikaran Mantra is dedicated to the Mother Goddess Kamahhya Devi.

Totka to Remove Black Magic Done Outside Your House

A Totka or paranormal remedy from the Lal Kitab for removing Kala Jadu-Tona or Kiya-Karaya meaning a Voodoo Black Magic Spell that has been done outside your house in order to harm and create problems for you has been described in this post.

Paranormal Remedies for Cheating and Treachery by Friends

In this post, I have written about 2 simple and easy to practice paranormal remedies for stopping or exposing treachery, disloyalty, dishonest, cheating and back stabbing by a friend. These paranormal remedies are variations of the Tone and Totke from the Lal Kitab.

Vashikaran Yantra to Attract Desired Girl Quickly

Sometime back, I had written about a Vashikaran Yantra called as the “Kamraj Akarshan Yantra” that has the power to attract a very beautiful, virtuous woman from an aristocratic and wealth family. The Yantra given in this post is a variation of the same Vashikaran Yantra for the same purpose.

Paranormal Ritual to See Future Happenings

A paranormal ritual to see the events happening in the future, which has originated from the Muslim Religion has been described in this post. This future knowing ritual makes the use of a numerical Yantra or Naksha / Wazifa along with a special procedure.

Yantra to Defeat and Harass Enemies Prepared on Leather

A Yantra having the numerical value of 183 for defeating and harassing an enemy has been described in this post. In the Hindi language this Yantra is called as the Ek So Tirasi Ka Shatru Vinashak Yantra.

Powerful Evil Eye Protection Taweez

The procedure of making a most powerful evil-eye removal and protection Taweez at home has been described by me in this post. This Buri Nazar or Nazar Dosh removal Taweez is useful for all kinds of people who have been affected by the evil eye, including women and children.

Ghantakarna Mahavir Mantra for Extreme Wealth on Diwali

In this post, I have written about a most powerful and effective Ghanta Karna Mahaveer Mantra Prayog for unlimited money, wealth and prosperity, which is practiced during the 3 days of the festival of Diwali.

Lakshmi Mantra Dedicated to Mangal Kalash

Establishing a Mangal Kalash in the house is considered to be most auspicious and effective in the removal of Vastu related defects or other defective and harmful energies and vibrations that are present in a house or any other dwelling or even a shop or office.

Vashikaran By Sharbat Yantra Prayog

An Islamic Vashikaran Yantra Prayog that makes the use of Sharbat and a special Yantra or Wazifa has been described in this post. This Wazifa Prayog can be utilized to cast a Vashikaran Love and Attraction Spell on any desired man or woman.

Ashtagandha and Devdutt or Amuk Yantra Shastra

In this post, I have described the uses of the words Devdutt, Ram, Amuki, Amuk and Amuken in the composition of many Yantras and Mantra and also the use and composition of Ashtagandha in Yantras and Puja-Vidhi .

Sarva Karya Siddhi Yantra with Gayatri Mantra

A special Karya Siddhi Yantra Prayog to fulfill any purpose, wish or task using a numerical Yantra along with the added power of the most powerful and effective Gayatri Mantra has been described in this post.

Talisman to See Ghosts and Spirits in Dreams