World will wake up to World War 3

Everyone awaits for the battle of Armageddon World War 3. Various timings, circumstances, chain of events, triggers have been predicted as to the actual timing of this event and what causes this much awaited event; one which heralds in a bend in the evolution of mankind. I have a feeling that it comes out of the blue with no signs of any kind of warnings of events leading to it; the World will one day wake up to World War 3.

The prophecy of Nostradamus which was described in the post on the great Nuclear War should be heeded to carefully. This speaks of widespread Nuclear Attack  in the North. This probably could be North America; the USA.

“At Dawn a great fire will be seen. Sound and light in the North, and extending all over the world; death and misery through weapons, fire and famine”

What Nostradamus suggests in this prophecy is that most people will wake up in the morning to discover that World War 3 is finally upon them; they are in the midst of it. People will never know or guess what is going on behind the scenes. Those who plan and trigger of World War 3, use the element of surprise as their main weapon.

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