Lal Kitab Remedies for Girls Marriage

In this post, I am giving a couple of interesting and simple remedies for the marriage of a girl. These marriage remedies are for the girl of marriageable age, whose marriage proposal discussions with the family of the prospective bridegroom are in progress. Both these remedies are said to make the marriage proposal successful.

1] Just before entering the home of the prospective bridegroom, for the marriage proposal discussions, the parents or relatives of the girl should observe their breath and find out which of their nostril is more active, the nostril from which the breath is flowing in and out.

 Then while entering the home of the prospective bridegroom, they should enter the home, by that foot, which is on the same side as the more active nostril. For example, if the let nostril in more active, they should enter the home by putting the left foot, inside the main door first.

2] When the parents or relatives of the girl are about to go the home of the prospective bridegroom for the marriage proposal discussions, the girl should give them something sweet to eat.  The girl should untie her hair if she is using a hairpin or has worn a braid and let the hair flow freely.

Any one or both these remedies can be practiced by the girl to make the marriage proposal fruitful.

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