Strange Vashikaran Yantra Tantra to Win Lover

The Tantra given in this post is a somewhat strange Vashikaran Tantra to win over someone you love, even an unwilling would be lover. This Tantra makes the use of a Yantra of unique numerical configuration and a simple procedure to put a Spell on the sought after lover. In this post, is given the method of put it to practical use.

This Tantra can be performed on any day. The practitioner has to write down the Vashikaran Yantra in a metal utensil, it can be written using any kind of ink or pen.

The second stage is to put some Red Chili powder on the Yantra and then put a sufficient quantity of water in the utensil.

Then this utensil has to put on a flame and heated. The Vashikaran Tantra says that as the water in the utensil starts heating the heart of the prospective love will start melting and respond to the overtures of the practitioner.

When the water in the utensil starts boiling, remove it from the flame and throw it away.

A strange Muslim Vashikaran Naqsh Spell to win the love of your sweetheart
Strange Vashikaran Yantra to Win Lover

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  1. sir do we have to write it on a paper and then keep it in the utensil??

  2. No need to write down the name of the lover? If yes then where??

  3. Sir I have a few questions:

    1. Where is the name of the desired person written or chanted?

    2. Is it for a person whom I want as a lover or it can also be done for a person who I know but who does not know me?

  4. Also is it for an advanced practitioner or even normal person can do it?

  5. To the 4 queries above-
    This Vashikaran Tantra can be practiced by any one, including a advanced practitioner.
    The Yantra has to be written on the utensil itself.
    It is not necessary to write down the name of the lover.
    The Sadhana can be practised for a lover known to you and not for any unknown lover.

  6. Sir in this post does lover mean the person who I desire to be my lover or a person with whom I am already in relationship with, but who is not responding to my love?

    1. It can be the person who is not responding or the one you desire, however that person should know you at least be aware about you.

    2. Last few questions:

      1. If you say "aware of you", means aware of my feelings for that person or aware of me just as a casual acquaintance?

      2. How will the yantra come to know which person is being targeted by me?

    3. Aware as an acquaintance.
      Yantras are mystical works, so credit them for knowing such things.

    4. Sir can I do it after having nonveg food?

      Is it a satvik or tamsik process?

    5. Eating Non- Veg is no problem. This is a neutral process, neither Satvik or Tamas Guni.

  7. Sir is it a one time process? And one more thing sir after throwing away the water what shud be done with that utensil in which yantra was written and shud we erase the yantra from d utensil aftr throwing d water.pls reply to my queries.

    1. This is a one time Yantra Experiment, afterwards you can wash and reuse the utensil.

  8. Neel Ji do we remember the name or chant during experiment. What if a person is dating more than one person? Most of the times Naqsh does not have name then how does it work? Please clarify. Thanks!

    1. You certainly know who you are making the Yantra or Naqsh for, as these Yantras and Naqshs are paranormal and mystic drawings one must credit them with having intelligence.

  9. Namaste Guruji, Can steel plate be used for this purpose, as this is also a metal utensil. And after writing the yantra should we wait till it dries because if we add water the wordings get erased.

    1. Steel is also a metal, the Yantra should dry up quickly, then sprinkle the chilli powder and then pour the water.

  10. Sir is there any specific day or time for doing this? Nd is there any precaution that we need to take care of?

  11. Namaste Guruji, I completed this sadhana by writing the tantra on a new steel plate and sprinkled chilli powder and added sufficient quantity of water and heated the plate on fire until water started boiling. Then I throwed the water away from my house and added pure water to remove left over chilli and throwed away this water as well. I will share the output after waiting for few days as the person is staying far away from noida and I am in Bangalore.

    1. Did u get any result? I suggest you should also try approaching that person, to make things work in your favour.

  12. Sir if someone dislikes me or hates me, and I want that person to respond to my feelings, then should I use this procedure more than once to make things happen?

    1. No harm in trying the Tantra on that person, use the procedure just once, all it requires is will power and determination.

  13. Sir means is it like after performing the procedure I should sit back and wait till the targetted person approaches me, instead of me approaching that person?

    Also, if that person is already engaged with someone else, still will this work?

    1. After performing the Tantra, you have to on your part try to make some effort and approach that person, it does not matter it the person is engaged or not.

  14. namaste guru baba... can any vashikaran mantra given to your site and this vashikaran yantra can be performed simultanusly for the same person?

  15. namaste neel ji. I know there is other mantra for foreign country but I like to know about this yantra. may you please tell me if thiss perticular yantra can be used for faraway person or only be used for same country. please reply neelji.

    1. Yes, this Yantra can be used to attract someone in a foreign country.

  16. Guru ji pranaam
    Ise karte waqt kon sa mantra chant karna h plz...bataiye
    or isme lover ka naam kaha add krna h

  17. Hello sir,
    Can you pls email it to me as this yantra is not visible in box here plsss

  18. Guru ji keya maye isi yantra ko draw karne kelia marker pen use kar sakta hun? Yadi use kar sakta hu to kon colour use kar sakta hu pls Guru ji bolia

  19. Namaste Guru Ji, I have only one question even though you advised the Performer of this Tantra to make some effort to contact the Target Person but if making contact (In person/ Telephone/ SMS/ Chats/ Emails) are not possible in any manner will the Tantra work on the Target Person and He/She will Contact Back / Come Back to the Performers Life by His/Her Own? Thanking you in advance and looking forward for your valuable advise.

    1. One of the factors in the successful working of such Yantras-Tantras is the will power and self-belief of the practitioner. It should work without actual contact and remotely if done with full confidence.

  20. sir i did this experiment ...i wrote in aluminium utensil with a green sketch pen and dan put some red chilly powder over it dan poured as soon as i poured water in it....d yantra got erased n i boiled it dan....will it work as d yantra got erased as soon as poured water in it

    1. The Yantra is bound to get erased after pouring the water in the vessel. That is how the Yantra Experiment works.

  21. Hi Neel can the ritual be performed will wearing a Yantra of some other ritual,please advise !

    1. It the Yantra is for a similar purpose of Vashikaran, then it is advisable to remove the Vashikaran Yantra while performing this Sadhana.

    2. Already we r in 5yeared relationship now no contact if it really works then how do I known if I make a call she will call-back me

  22. It really works ... thank you so much Neel sir

    1. Nice to know that.
      Please tell In how many days did your love come back after performing this ?

  23. Can i use this yantra procedure to win my mother in law heart and to make her love me all the time so that i can live with out any troubles from her?

    1. Sure you can try this Vashikaran Totka on your Mother-in-Law for having good and cordial relations with her.

    2. sir can we use it for more than one person? like for improving relations with some people romantic or non-romantic?

  24. Can i throw boiling water in kitchen sink or have to throw it outside the house?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You can attempt the Vashikaran Totka once again if you wish.

  26. Can this be used to get back an already existing lover?
    My boyfriend is giving up on our relation even when he loves me so much because his parents are not agreeing as we are from different religion.
    Also can I use this Mantra over his family too?
    If yes, will I have to do it separately or I can take their names while doing the same mantra? Or if there's anything else I can do about them?
    Please revert ASAP!

  27. Sir the mantra is not visibl3 to me I mean the image is not being loaded.. please repeat it in comment.

  28. the picture cannot be loaded can some one repeat the mantra in comment please please

    1. The image is easily loading, try once again.

  29. Sir the image is not visible though i tried many a times. Please help

  30. I just tried it. Waiting 4 the result. As my bf is very angry on me and he broke up with me last week.

  31. Sir, please please please please I beg you to please suggest me a mantra, yantra or any vidhi by which I can get him back in my life in a good way. His heart has turned into stone. He doesn't understand me at all. Is there a way he will or he can? I really love him. First he tried to get near me and now he is the one avoiding me when I love him way too much. I want him in my life as my life partner. My love for him is super pure Guruji. Please help. Please. Suggest something. He is the only love of my life. Help me.


  32. Hi.. Nill sir
    is it ok if I performed this process during night?

  33. Guruji As soon as i pour water every thing written dissolved . Is this ok or do i hv to get it dry

    1. That is no problem, all that has to be done is to draw the vashikaran yantra as mentioned in the above post.

  34. Dear Sir. Please provide me with your email address. So that I can share my problem with you, with the only expectation that you'll help

    1. Hello Sir,
      To the one who replied to Priya.
      Please sir, help me out.
      It's about my fiancé.
      His mother never liked me but she could never tell her son about it. I don't know what she has done to my fiancé that he does not wish to see me and he does not wish to talk to me. Please sir, we both we love each other a lot. Please sir, we both wanted to marry and i know my fiancé also wants to marry me deep inside. Please help us to reunite.
      Thank you sir.

  35. Hi Priya
    Just read your post & am feeling sorry for you.

    Though I do not practice professionally, I do have some degree of psychic abilities developed through spiritual practices. So I am trying to help you out.

    From what I can see, your problems have stemmed from lack of communication & misunderstandings. It appears that you both have not talked to each other in ages.

    So just pick up the phone & call him. Don't use others for this task, do it yourself. Initially he will be a little wary & may not respond the way u want him to, but slowly he will start trusting U & talk more freely & openly.

    From what I can see, the guy in question is a wonderful human being.
    He actually has feelings for U but at the same time he is a little bit wary of U. U need to win his trust, so be very honest when speaking to him & don't be disappointed with temporary set backs. Persist & U will end up winning ur desire.

    So give this a try. It may take a few months to win him over, but it will be worth the effort.

    I see both of U together in the next few months.

    1. Hello, can you please give me your contact details, I am confused about lot of issues. Hope you can help me.

    2. Humble seeker i m suffering from a breakup past9 months nw my gf who loved me so mch is away nw due to misunderstandng n negative things said to her abt me by my ex. I m nt sure why she blvd her n broke up. I really love her frm my whole heart problm she doesnt want to communicate n hv blocked me evry where. She did called me after y months on feb 10 but was negative abused me n said doesnt like me. Ever since then i stopped approaching her but still waiting for her to understand my love n that i m innocent besidws cmmtng few mstks uknowingly. Pls help me if we wd ever gt bck i hv tried all remedies.

    3. Hi ! Humble Seeker Sir, how can i contact you? Wana talk to you. Plz its urgent

    4. Humble seeker ! I wana talk to you..where are you available? Its urgent

  36. Neelji, Pranam,
    I prepared the yantra as mentioned but since I had written the yantra with a permanent marker in the steel utensil, it didn't get wiped off after the water boiled. When I threw the water the yantra was still there. Should it go off? I mean, the vashikaran will work only if the yantra gets wiped off? Should I do it again with washable ink? Please clear my doubts Neelji. Dhanayawad.

    1. The Yantra will work irrespective of whether it gets wiped out or not.

  37. pranam neel sir , how the pen ink is unable to written on utensils then how could I write can I write with marker or sindoor plzz reply

    1. Yes, any kind of pen ink, including Sindoor, Chandan Powder Paste,Raktchandana or Ashtagandha can be used, using a marker is not advisable.

  38. Guru Ji, will it work if he only knows my name and what I look like?
    Because he doesn't like me because he heard many gossips about me but he don't really know me..
    And after the sadhana, what do I need to do?

    1. The essential ingredient in such Vashikaran experiments is the confidence of the practitioner.
      The full procedure of the Vashikaran Sadhana is given in the above article.

  39. Can we use Sethpen?/and can we throw the water in basin after the prayog is done.

  40. Guruji pranaam,
    This site is really of a great help.
    Thank you for your efforts.
    I have one question, can you please suggest on 2 problems
    1 which tantra or mantra can be used for clearing the misunderstanding in lovers or any relationship.
    2 is there any mantra or yantra for girls to perform for marriage with a desired lover (the one which is there for boys is so easy to follow which is published in the below link

    Which is for vashikaran for marriage (Vivah Hetu Yantra Prayoga)and ( it is written that it can't be done by girls as it only can be done by boys).
    Please suggest the same type of prayog /mantra / yantra / remedy for a girl who wish to do for a boyfriend.
    Please give the link if such thing is already published because I could not see anything of this prayog till now on this site no matter I visit almost daily.

    Regards and Koti kogi pranaam!!!

    1. There are many such Mantras in the Marriage Mantras Section for girls wanting to marry a desired man,
      One example can be seen here -

  41. Guruji
    Can we throw the water in the sink or can we water it to plant

  42. Pls sir can I get your email address as I can tell you my problem to get guidance

  43. Sir can you post this yantra in english please

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. namste guru ji
    please help me. he has recently broke up with me, my love for him is too pure. i have so many request and appologuise to be with me....but he didn't respond.
    his heart has turned into stone he don't try to understand me.
    firstly he came to near me as i have feeling towards him and said about my feelings our relationship was too good. suddenly he started ignored me and leave me.
    please please please help me to get him back in my life.

  46. please please please guruji help me to get him back in my life.....
    i have done as per above instructions please guruji please help me guide me.


  47. Sir I want to know how long it will take to get the results. Do I need to contact the person or person will contact me. As it is mentioned here it can be done on any day I have a query could it be done at any time also.

    1. Do the Vashikaran experiment once at any time or day with faith, which is the most powerful ingredient.

  48. Try to go with video of name called durlab vashikarn effective

  49. guruji, the water can be thrown in sink or away from home

  50. did anyone tried..has it worked

  51. Dear neel sir
    If we write by orange sindoor should we make paste with water and write with finger or something else
    Please reply

    1. Yes, you can do that, if using sindoor use a small stick to draw the Yantra.

  52. Hello Sir!
    Just to assure that we are on the same page, please tell that if using a steel plate, the yantra has to made on the inner side of a plate with a marker and then red chilli powder over it and then water. And as soon as water boils, to throw it and wash of the plate ?
    Is this what requires to be done ?

  53. Today i am going to do this procedure as my husband is not talking to me since 1 month.i hope this will help me n he will call me.


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