Reason for Atma Rin and the Remedy

Atma or Svyam Runa or Rin as per traditional Hindu astrology and religious scriptures refers to as the debts or sins committed in the past life, which have to be settled in the present life. In this post, are given the causes, planetary indicators, indications and the remedy to clear these debts or sins in the present life. The remedy given here is based upon the Lal Kitab and is believed to be effective in rectifying the harmful ill effects this malefic Yog in the horoscope.

Planetary Position- A malefic and extremely weak Shukra [Venus] situated in the fifth house of the horoscope of the native.

Causes- A possibility of an unpleasant and or unnatural death resulting from great suffering in the past life. Insulting and causing harm and destruction to the prescribed religious traditions and practices prevalent during that period.

Indications- Location of Agni Kund/ Owen/ Cooking Bhatti below the ground on which the house is located. Ventilator or similar modifications on the roof to let sunlight enter the house. Suffering heart related ailments and diseases.

Remedy – Collect money in equal quantity from all the blood relations and perform a Yagnya [Yagnya is a fire ritual performed by Hindus].

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