Sound sleep a great health remedy

After a days hard work sound sleep at night is most essential, this ensures that we recharge our life energy, for good health 6 to 8 hours of sleep is essential. For children 8 hours of sound sleep is recommended. Sound sleep is a great remedy for good health.

If you get sound sleep then your mind becomes fresh and healthy. Before going to sleep it is always advisable to wash your face, hands and feet and also sprinkle water on your eyes, with your palms 5 to 7 times.

It is advisable to sleep on a normal mattress [not very hard or soft].Sleeping on your right side is considered the best. Mattresses having springs should be avoided as far as possible. Such mattresses do not give full rest.

Forget your worries while going to bed. The thoughts should be as far as possible pure. Do not think about the society or the country.

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