Nostradamus - Two Major Revolutions in Future

Two major revolutions are going to take place sometime in the near future as per the prophecies of Nostradamus. In previous posts this site has said the one of the sign of the coming end time; Armageddon and World War 3 are a series of revolutions, chaos and unprecedented unrest. The Nostradamus prediction which is given below certainly seems relevant, to say the least.

Century – 1 - 54
“Two revolutions caused by the evil scythe-bearer sees a change of rule and centuries. The mobile sign moves into its house, and favors both sides equally.”

One of these landmark revolutions is certainly the revolution in India which has been detailed in this post - Nostradamus-prediction of revolution in India . The other one indicated by Nostradamus I am not sure at this moment of time.

These revolutions are going to be caused by an adverse transit of Saturn; described in this prophecy as the “evil scythe bearer’. The astrological sign of India is Capricorn; ruling planet Saturn.

The mobile sign described is the one and only superpower of this period USA. Astrologers are divided over two sets of horoscopes of the USA, one with Sagittarius rising and the other with Gemini rising, however both are mobile zodiac signs. Thus the USA will sit on the fence and favor both the sides, waiting for the ultimate victor. This suggests two long drawn out revolutions; probably bloody.

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