Try this for Differences with In Laws

These are some paranormal Indian remedies for Differences with In Laws. Practicing such remedies is said to resolve and remove differences with In Laws; this is a common problem in most Indian households; especially differences with the Mother in Law. You can try such remedies if you have faith in them; faith in what you are doing works wonders and helps save your marriage.

Sleep with your head facing the East.

Wearing a Chandrakanta Mani[ Moon Stone] weighing 5.25 Ratti it is said helps. This stone should be studded in a Silver Ring and then worn on a Monday, after Moon Rise. The ring should be first washed in raw Milk and then with Water. The MantraOm Chandramase Namah [ॐ चंद्रमसे नमः ] should be chanted while wearing this ring on the Anamika finger[ Ring finger] of the right hand.

An Ashtadhatu Ring [ mixture of eight different metals] worn in the middle finger also helps.

Hanging a 200 grams piece of Turti[ Alum Crystal] in your bedroom is also said to be helpful.

Reading the Hanuman Chalisa daily has also been recommended.

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