Geostationary Vacation World in Future

Being always above a fixed anchoring site near the equator let a new planned vacation Fullball world be formed over the equator. A loose cable loop would reach over to it from the cable lift. Then Earth folks could take a lift ride up to geostationary height, then take a ride over to reach the vacation Fullball world to enjoy a vacation taste of what it would be like living in such a very comfortable orbiting Fullball 3D volume balloon world settlement.

The investors group responsible for getting robotic refining & constructions started many decades ago, (such as begun from their early selected M-type (metal-rich) asteroid, for the high high orbiting cylinder settlement, then later for trying a 3D volume most efficient Fullball balloon world), expected that many interested folks from down on Earth could much enjoy becoming able to sample easy living robotically very well served up in such a vacation Fullball world. The cable lift would cut costs to maybe 1% of past old air polluting costly big rockets.

Such a vacation 3D balloon world settlement should increase tolerant support by many from Earth's huge national populations for trying such high orbiting settlements' very easy living. Many might then like to consider moving in the future up off increasingly overcrowded duller often poor weather ancient Earth.

Like equator orbiting satellites up here, and for the new cable lift's established good geostationary center, (now good for some space researchers and technicians), this new vacation 3D Fullball balloon world conveniently easily permitted stably aimed communications any time of day beamed even directly between it & places around almost half Earth's surface. So you could enjoy frequently talking with Earth friends about your most comfortable fractional weight in a (robotically well served) vacation home, and also enjoy weightless fun air swimming between home cylinders etc.

A (weightless) loose cable loop easily reached this vacation 3D balloon world from the cable's geostationary station (which had been anchored a safe distance from the equator). This would easily guide a lift vessel softly precisely shoved (weightless) to float over to the new vacation Fullball world, or the loop would later gently tug the vessel to float back to the geostationary station, for descent back to Earth.

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