Traditional Indian remedy for vomiting in pregnancy

Vomiting during pregnancy is a common side effect of being pregnant. This traditional Indian remedy for vomiting; especially during pregnancy is quite simple and easy to prepare and practice in your home.

Burn a fresh lime on the fire and then keep it for some time in the Sun to dry. After it has dried, powder this piece of lime and store it in a small container. One teaspoon of this powder is used as a remedy against nausea or it can be taken just after vomiting. A note of caution though, this preparation is not to be used if you suffer from hyper-acidity.

Fresh lime juice apart from quenching thirst is a good antidote for preventing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Taking lime juice along with lukewarm water at bedtime is a safe Laxative for pregnant women. Along with this one can also take a glass of drinking water stored in a copper vessel early in the morning. This also reduces constipation and clears the bowels.

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