Home remedies for Cancer

These are a couple of home remedies which are used to treat Cancer. These remedies were given to me by a Spiritual person who is also a distinguished practitioner of naturopathy. I am putting them here for information purposes only and not as a replacement for any ongoing medical treatment.

Vavding [Embelia ribes] is said to be effective in combating most types of Cancer. It has been recommended that a coarse powder of the Vavding seeds should be ground. A pinch of this powder should be taken 5 to 6 times daily.

Take a corn [flower] of the Kewra [Screw Pine or Pandanus fascicularis] plant along with the stem, with the petals removed.

Wrap this flower in a silk cloth and wash it by keeping the wrapped flower under a flowing tap.

Then put that put that flower along with the residue on the cloth [with the cloth removed] in a steel utensil.

The pour 11 cups of water in the utensil and boil this water.

Then after the water cools keep this utensil along with flower and residue in it to cool in a refrigerator.

Then drink 1 cup of this water on an empty stomach everyday for 11 days.

If the corn is small then take 2 corns.
If large than take 1 corn.

If corns are not available then take pure Kewra scent and put 2 drops in a cup of water and drink this water. This should be done 2 times a day for about 2 months.

Cancer patients should take a diet consisting of Corns. Avoid Wheat as much as possible.5 leaves of the Tulsi [holy basil] plant should be chewed everyday.

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