Mahalaxmi Prarthana

This is verse from the Devi Bhagavatam which describes the Goddess of Abundance Mahalaxmi, worshipped as the Universal Mother or the Mother Goddess.

This verse is taken as a Prarthana or Prayer recited in praise of Mahalaxmi.  Mahalaxmi as the mother goddess for all round happiness in life, and not only for the purpose of wealth accumulation. All round happiness and bliss also include wealth.

This Prayer is suitable for those who find it difficult to recite lengthy Chalisas and Stotras. I have given the English translation and meaning for better understanding.

श्री महालक्ष्मी प्रार्थना इन हिंदी एंड इंग्लिश
Shri Mahalakshmi Prarthana in Hindi and English

Mahalaxmi Prarthana
English Translation

Vaikunthe ya mahalaxmirya laxmi Kshirsagare l
Swarglaxmiridragehe rajlaxmirnupalye ll
Grihalaxmishch gruhina ch grihadevta l
Surabhi sagre jata dakshina yagnakamini ll

Hey goddess in vaikunth you are mahalaxmi,in the ocean of milk you are laxmi l
In the kingdom of Indra you are swarglaxmi,in the rajbhavan you are rajlaxmi ll
You are grihalaxmi for those who are householders you are grihalaxmi,in their homes you are gruhadevi l
As surabhi you manifest as dakshinroope in yagnas ll

महालक्ष्मी प्रार्थना 
वैकुण्ठे या महालक्ष्मीर्या लक्ष्मी: क्षीरसागरे l
स्वर्गलक्ष्मीरिद्रगेहे राजलक्ष्मीर्नुपालये ll
गृहलक्ष्मीष्च गृहीणां गेहे च गृहदेवता l
सुरभि: सागरे जाता दक्षिणा यज्ञकामिनी ll

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