Shiva Guru Mantra

Many times one experiences that even in spite of every possible effort one does not achieve success in achieving Siddhi [mastery] over paranormal sciences like Mantra Vidya , Tantrik rituals or for that matter any other paranormal science.

This may be because one lacks the blessings of a Guru; Indian paranormal sciences have repeatedly stressed that the good wishes of a Guru is essential to achieve success. If you have difficulty in finding a proper Guru; they are hard to come by these days; you can always have Shiva as your Guru.

This is a Shiva mantra to help one succeed by invoking the blessings of Shiva as ones Guru.

Lord Shiva Guru Mantra Chant
Shiva Guru Mantra

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  1. Sir..I had asked you earlier for this kind of answer as to if I do not have a Guru then what to do...thank you for the answer as given many chants are required for this mantra and is it required to be chanted before every new mantra is about to be recited. Kindly clarify...

    1. Number of chants do not matter. It is the sincerity with which you chant the mantra is what matters. You can chant this mantra before you commence any other mantra.

    2. dear neel sir,

      kindly help with something. I bought a red color bead mala and used it to count chants for many of the different mantras you have given us but I just learned from internet that I should use a separate/different mala for each mantra due to different frequencies for each mantra, IS THAT TRUE and so were all of my previous mantra chants fruitless due to multiple frequencies attached to the one mala I used ?

      kindly help quickly.

      kind regards

  2. Sir, I thank you from the depth of my heart for your quick reply...Thank you...

  3. hari om namah shivaay, shiv guru raamaay.

    This is a shiv guru mantra. This is 'SWAYAM SIDDH' shabar mantra. Shivji becomes your guru and guides you in your life and any sadhanas. Try to do it 11 rounds of mala or whatever rounds you can.

    Gurudev Dutt

    1. dear Gurudev dutt,

      kindly clarify your point:
      1. neel sir gave a guru mantra and you also gave a guru mantra so I am confused, should I chant both guru mantras( yours and neel sirs) before I chant my gayatri mantra.

      2. And do I need to chant both guru mantras for 11 rounds of 108 bead malas "every day" before I chant my gayatri mantra

      kind regards


  5. sir please tell me will this mantra helpful for siddhi in sabar mantra or not ?
    please tell me how can i siddh above mantra

    1. This is a Satvik Guru Mantra and has to be meditated upon; getting Siddhi depends upon the dedication of the Sadhak; no one can guarantee Siddhi

  6. Namaste Neel Sir,
    Should we take sankalp to Lord Shiva that we're going to recite this mantra before chanting for the first time? If so, what would the prayer be like? Please kindly give a short reply. Thanks a lot.

    1. The Sankalp can be in your own words and language, something like " I surrender to you Shiva, from today I an your disciple "

    2. Dear Neel Sir: in the post "how to take sankalp" you mentioned that we must also state how many times or for how many days we are going to do the sadhana"- then in this case should we state to Shiva how many days or times we will chant the Guru Mantra? If other things like our NAMES are also necessary to be stated in the pledge please let us know, too. Please kindly answer again. Many thanks.

    3. That is not essential, since this is purely a devotional mantra. When you say " I surrender to you Shiva, from today I an your disciple " it means forever.

    4. Sir, please reply to my doubt: since it's purely devotional mantra, should we keep on chanting it every day? Or we may chant it for a period of time like 7 days only and chant it again right before we begin a new mantra some other day? I'd appreciate your answer.

  7. Dear Neel Sir,
    Is mantra diksha necessary for this mantra? Please reply again. Thank you so much Sir.

  8. Dear Neel Sir:
    I chant this mantra 21 times daily. Is it better for us to chant it at least one round of rosary? Please reply again Sir. Many thanks.

    1. It is up to you, there are no recommended number of chants for this mantra.

  9. This post is really very helpful for the sadhaks who do not have a guru. Regarding this subject, I have been searching a lot recently for different opinions. A major part of the opinions suggest that without a guru one cannot succeed in sadhna and essentially most of them are guru. Few says sadhna is also possible without a guru and give the example of Eklavya. Some of them are more hopeful. They say at the right time the guru will come to you. Prophet666 is a nonprofitable website and the largest online mantra archive and I got my answer here. My search for a guru every time has ended in a point that gurus are doing gurugiri just because of money and most often it is quite uncertain whether they themselves are on the right path. If not, how they will show you one. Thank you Neel Sir for giving such a nice post where we can learn how to do sadhna without a guru.

  10. Please could you tell me where it originates Gura Shiv Mantra? What is the source?

  11. Sir this is awesome extraordinary mantra .I meditated on it ,it was like tongue twister .While meditating if mind is diverted to other things we miss the words in mantra. This mantra sadhana can be helpful for beginners who lack concentration at initial stages.
    Soham- "you and me are one".
    Hamsa- "I am that" mean I am you.
    rather than Shiva guru mantra it is like Self Realisation mantra "Tat Tvam Asi".
    Sir some questions
    1) should we align soham and hamsa with our breath while chanting this mantra i think yes .can you tell me how to chant hamsa i think first Ham-exhaling and then Sa-inhaling opposite to soham am i right sir.
    2) I want to know seer of this mantra .It is wonderful mantra .Can you share some knowledge of this mantra with us.

    1. I am glad, you find the Mantra useful.
      As regards aligning Soham Nad Hamsa with your breath, it is best to let the breath flow in its natural manner, rather than trying to align it.
      The Seer is not known, it is probable that it was a unknown liberated Yogi.

    2. Hello Neel sir,

      is it HaMsah or HaNsah. Mantra says HaNsah but you used HaMsa(M) in your reply. Kindly clarify.

    3. It can be written either ways, but is pronounced as Hansa.

  12. Sir kya kaval is mantra ko bool ker hum apni siddhi matra sadhna suru ker sakte hai ye bhagvaan shiv ko kuch offer bhi kerna jaruri hai as a guru if yes plz describe all process clearly
    Sir plz reply i m waiting for your prestigious rply

  13. Can we apply anulom vilom technique to this mantra
    OM hansah Shivah soham hansah shivah hansah shivah soham soham shivah hansah shivah hansah soham shivah hansah om.

    1. The Mantra can be chanted normally, but if you are well experienced in Pranayama then you can tweak it according to your liking, but that is entirely up to you.

  14. Dear Sir, I find your posts extremely helpful. These days finding proper Guru for initiation is difficult. So, are there any methods by which a disciple can self-initiate himself into a Mantra?

    1. Depends on you, you can simply dediicate the initation procedure to your Ishta Devta or the Devta of the Mantra and start the Mantra Sadhana.

    2. Ok thanks. But is there a definite process for it? I think I have seen it in your website only but now can not locate it anymore. It is something like "writing the mantra 11 times on a paper and then offering it to god .." etc.

  15. Dear Sir, Please reply to my above comment. Regarding self initiation if possible.


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