Aftermath of the war of the Third Antichrist

This Prophecy of Nostradamus is in my opinion a description of the aftermath of the war of the Third Antichrist.This war causes such a massive magnitude of death and destruction that the entire geopolitical structure of the world as we know it today will undergo a drastic change.

II. 19.
Nouueaux venus, lieu basty sans deffence
Occuper place par lors inhabitable,
Prez, maisons, champs, villes prendre à
Faim, peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.

Century – 2 - 19
Newcomers, place built without defense, Place occupied then uninhabitable: Meadows, houses, fields, towns to take at pleasure, Famine, plague, war, extensive land arable.

Nostradamus Prophecy Image on the Aftermath of World War - 3
Nostradamus Aftermath of World War - 3
The particular Quatrain of  NOSTRADAMUS ON SETTLEMENTS IN WORLD CLIMAX which I had interpreted earlier speaks of how the settlements evolve at a much later date to be able to set by colonies in outer space. The one above speaks about how these settlements originated.

“Newcomers, place built without defense, Place occupied then uninhabitable: Meadows, houses, fields, towns to take at pleasure”. This is an obvious description of settlers coming and settling down in towns with ready made houses, bordered by farms and Meadows.Everything appears to be ready made for these new comers.Places available to settle in at will.

“Famine, plague, war, extensive land arable” this phrase can be termed to mean that extensive stretches of agricultural or arable lands will be available for settlement in other areas after a period of famine, plague and war. This looks just like the realignment about which I had wrote some time back about the SETTLEMENTS IN THE WORLD CLIMAX.

This period I feel is approaching rapidly and we are somewhere in the beginning of the chain reaction which will eventually lead to the coming World Climax .We are seeing signs of it in the unilateral military action which the USA is resorting to time and again in its quest of the ruler ship of the world. This ambition is going to lead to a lot of grief, suffering, death and destruction.

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  1. The UN, NATO & Arab States are at the helm of the U.S.; the Congress was recently threatened w/martial law by Panetta; these bankers and the Illuminati that run them have made their deals, sold us out, and have determined to destroy & divide us, to bail themselves out. The people don't know in large part, and those who've heard, can't believe it. The people are struggling with a million problems that are taking them down, and can't seem to lift their minds above the fray to grasp the big picture.


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