Kapur Aarti

This is the Aarti in Marathi which is recited while lighting and offering Kapur or Camphor to Shirdi Sai Baba. This Aarti is recited while burning as an offering Camphor tablets, also known as Kapur or Karpoor in Hindi, to Sai Baba.

The significance of the burning of Camphor tablets is symbolized as the burning away all the negative energy and thoughts from ones being and inviting the positive energy of the deity being worshipped. Lighting of Camphor tablets before a deity is an integral part and parcel of worship in the Hindu religion.

Shirdi Sai Baba Kapur Aarti
English Translation
Kapurachi vaat ,ovalu tujla l
Samartha ovalu tujla l
Dehabhav ahankaar sahajchi nashila ll Dhru.ll
Daya , shama , shanti ujallya jyoti l
Ujallya jyoti l
Svyamprakashroop dekhili murti ll
Kapurachi vaat ll 1 ll
Me – tu – te pana jaluni kaajli keli l
nijanadatnu paayi tuj ovalili ll
Kapurachi vaat ll 2 ll
Anandane bhave l
Kapur aati keli kapur aarti keli l
Panchtatvabhav l
Tanu paayi arpili
Kapurachi vaat ll 3 ll

शिर्डी साई बाबा कापूर आरती
कापुराची वात,ओवाळू तुजला l
समर्था ओवाळू तुजला l
देहभाव अहंकार सहजचि नाशिला ll धृ.ll
दाया,शमा,शांति उजळल्या ज्योती l
उजळल्या ज्योती l
स्वयंप्रकाशरूप देखिली मूर्ती ll
कापुराची वात ll १ ll
मी-तू-पणा जाळुनि काजळी केली l
निजानंदतनु पायी तुज ओवाळिली ll
कापुराची वात ll २ ll
आनंदाने भावे l
कापूर आरती केली कापूर आरती केली l
पंचतत्वभाव l
तनु पायी अर्पियली ll
कापुराची वात ll ३ ll

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Shirdi Sai Baba (prophet666.com)
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Shirdi Sai Baba Pancharti - English - Marathi (prophet666.com)
