Main Component of Mantra Sadhana - Part 1

जय श्री राम जय वीर हनुमान - I will now talk about the main component of the Mantra Sadhana and about how a Sadhana is done.

After looking at various Chakras, doing Mantra Sanskar and referring to Kurma Chakra, one must follow this procedure of the Sadhana. - Ashok Mehta

I will first give a list of it:
1. Mantra
2. Mantra Shiksha
3. Mantra Chaitanyataa
4. Mantra Arth
5. Mantra Bhaavna
6. Getting up in Brahma Muhurat, doing Teerth Aavahan and Snaan Dosh Nivaran.
7. After bath, wearing Yagyopavit and clothes.
8. Doing Sandhya and worshiping Panch-Mahabutaas
9. Sitting at the decided place in required Yog Aasan and establishing the required articles in front of you.
10. Guru Puja/Guru Dhyaan, Ganesh Puja, Shiv Puja, Vishnu Puja, Devi Puja, Surya Puja and any other God's Puja. Reciting Shanti Stotra
Doing Isht Dev's Dhyaan, Peeth Puja, Aavaran Puja and Panch Ang Seva.
8. Kullukaa
9. Mahaa-Setu
10. Kavach Setu
11. Nirvahan
12. Bandhan
13. Mudra
14. Pranayam
15. Bhumi Shuddhi
16. Bhut Shuddhi
17. Mukh Shuddhi
18. Praan Yog
19. Deepan
20. Sutak Mokshan
21. Madhya Drishti
22. Anulom Vilom Varn Maatruka
23. Purushcharan
24. Dashansh Homa, Dashansh Tarpan of Homa, Dashansh Marjan of the Tarpan, Dashansh Brahman Bhojan of the Marjan and Dakshina, Dashansh Daan to beggars or poor Brahmins.

Now, I will talk about the various parts of a Mantra Sadhana:
1.  Mantra - choosing the correct and favorable Mantra, checking the Chakras, getting more knowledge about the god whose Mantra Sadhana is going to be done come under this category.

2. Mantra Shikhaa-  After deciding the Mantra one must buy the needed articles for the Sadhana, do the Mala and Yantra/Idol Pran Pratishthit and do Mantra Sanskar and refer the Kurma Chakra. After doing that, he must find the favourable Muhurat.

Mantra Sadhana should only be started in the auspicious timings I have shared in the past or else one finding favourable Muhurat will become very complicated because one will need to find various things like favourable Tithi, Nakshatra, Yog, Karan, Chandra Bal, etc

Other than this, the timings that I have shared do not cover Lagna. Hence, Lagna needs to be found accordingly.

3. Mantra Chaitanyataa - After doing Mantra Sanskar, a Mantra is removed from its Dosh. Similarly, by doing Mantra Chaitanyataa, a Mantra is unlocked.

There are 3 methods to unlock a Mantra:
1. Recite - ।।ॐ  क्लीं श्रीं ह्रीं अं आं इं ईं..... (and other letters of Hindi language orderwise ).....हं. Then recite the Mantra and go it reverse from हं and back to ॐ. This entire recitation from ॐ to हं and then Mantra and reverse from हं to ॐis considered as 1 recitation. 108 such recitations must be done.

2.  Sit facing east in Brahma Muhurat on a Kush Aasan. Close your eyes and do Pranayam 18 times. Then, close your eyes and imagine 12 Suns high up in the atmosphere and in the middle of each of them is the image of your Guru. Meditate upon these 12 Suns and do 1 rosary Japa of the Mantra you want to unlock.

3. Third method: Chant 50 rosary of the Mantra with the Samput of "ई".

4. Mantra Arth: it means to know the meaning the Mantra along with the meaning of the Beej Mantra.  It is very very dangerous to chant a Mantra without understanding its meaning. Chanting Mantra without knowing its meaning is hundred times worse than inviting death because chanting the wrong Mantra can send you to Narak and give you a very very painful and horrible death.

5. Mantra Bhaavna- A person who doesn't have Isht Dev or a person who is doing a Sadhana of a god other than his Isht Dev faces the problem of lack of devotion. However, without devotion success in Sadhana impossible. Hence, in order to increase the devotion towards the Mantra, the following must be done: Chant 10 Mala of the Mantra with the Samput of "ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं". For example -
।। ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं नमः शिवाय क्लीं ह्रीं श्रीं ॐ ।।

Do avoid this above mentioned Japa for laziness.  If someone is doing a Sadhana of 21 days, by the time he reaches 10th or 11th day, he starts feeling lazy and avoids the Sadhana. This is true and experienced fact. Hence, increasing the devotion towards the Mantra is must. Otherwise, the Mantra will get Abhakti Dosh and the Sadhana will go in vain.

6. Sandhya and Snaan Vidhi - All the above mentioned tasks must be fulfilled before the Sadhana days. After that, on the Sadhana day, the Sadhak must wake up in Brahma Muhurat and have bath. If possible, Sadhak must bath using water from well or river.

Before starting bath, he must sit in Sukhaasan in his bathroom and do Teerth Aavahan. For this, one must dip his right hand's 5 fingers in the water the following Shloka:
गंगे च यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वती ।
नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरी जलेस्मिन्सन्निधिकुरू ।।
विष्णु पादाब्ज संभूते गंगे तिपाथ गामिनी ।
धर्म द्रवेति विख्याते पापं मे हर जाह्नवी ।।

This will make the water as pure as all 7 rivers combined.  After this he have bath. After bath, he must must do Snaan Dosh Nivaran.

Tarpan means to offer things like Rice, Ghee, Panchamrit, etc to god. Here, one must use water to perform Tarpan and water must be offered to ground in front of you. Take a teaspoonful of water in a spoon and offer water to the ground for each mantra.

ॐ ब्रह्मदयो देवासतृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ भूर्देवास्तृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ स्वर्देवास्तृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ सनकादि मनुष्यास्तृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ कव्य वाङमयो देव पितरसतृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वतः पितरसतृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ अस्मिन् पित् पितामह प्रपितामहासतृप्यन्ताम्
ॐ अस्मिन् मातामह प्रमालामह वृद्ध प्रमातामहसतृप्यन्ताम्

After this, make an Anjali Mudra and full of water, recite the following Shloka and offer it to the ground.
अग्निदग्धाश्च ये जीवन येप्यदग्धाकूलेमम ।
भूमौ दत्तेन तृप्यान्तु परागतिम् ।।

After that, come out of the bath room, wear Yagyopavit and Sadhana clothes with its respective Mantras.

After this, perform Sandhya. Sandhya means to do Achaman, Aasan Shuddhi, offering Arghya to Sun, Rechak Kumbhak, Dhyaan of Isht Dev, and reciting Isht Dev's Gayatri Mantra. During Sadhana days, one must recite the Gayatri Mantra of the god whose Sadhana you are doing.

Guru Dhyaan and Puja, Panch Devta Puja: In this one must recite Guru Dhyaan Shlok and Guru Mantra 4 rosary and Gayatri Mantra 1 rosary. After this, he must worship the Panch Mahaabhutas(Panch Devta) - Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, Devi(Durga or Lakshmi or Maa Gauri) and Vishnu/Narayan. Their the 5 main gods and Puja is necessary before starting any Sadhana, Homa, Tarpan, etc.

However, all gods cannot be worshipped always. For example, Kamdev is the enemy of Shiva and doing Shiva Puja before Kamdev Puja will be dangerous.

After Panch Bhutas, one must worship other gods required. For example, Ram Puja before Hanuman Puja, Shiv Puja before Vishnu Puja and vice versa.

Following is a secret and powerful Guru Shlok one can recite:
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुः साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ।।
ध्यानमूलं गुरोःमूर्तिः पूजामूलं गुरोः  पदम् ।
मंत्र मूलं गुरोर्वाक्यं मोक्षमूलं गुरोः कृपा ।।
न गुरोधिकं तत्त्वं न् गुरोधिकं तपः ।
गुरोः परतरं न अस्ति तस्मात्संपूज्यते गुरुः ।।
नमामि सद्गुरु शान्तं प्रत्यक्षं शिवरूपिणम् ।
गिरसा यज्ञपीठस्थं तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ।।
त्वं पिता त्वं च मे माता त्वं बंधुस्त्वं च देवता ।
त्वं मोक्षप्राप्ति हेतुश्च तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः ।।
ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्तिम् ।
द्वंद्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्वमस्यादि लक्ष्यम् ।।
एक नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधी साक्षिभूतम् ।
भावातीतं त्रिगुण राहितं सद्गुरुं तन्नमामि ।।
ॐ नमः शिवाय गुरुवे सच्चिदानंदमूर्तये ।
निष्प्रपंचाय शान्ताय निरालंबाय तेजसे ।।

The above Shlok should be optimal and best one that I could find. What this Shloka means is that my Guru is equal to Brahma Vishnu and Handmade. My Guru has the form of Mantra as well as Moksha. He is the one who is equal to the ultimate Guru Shiv and he is the one who keeps away the 3 Doshas- Bhautik(material), Adhyaatmik(spiritual) and Daivik(divine).

7. Isht Dhyaan and Puja: This includes Peeth Puja, Aavaran Puja and Shodashopchar Puja of your Isht Dev's Yantra or idol and taking his blessings for success in Sadhana. A photo can never be used in a Sadhana.

8. Kullukaa(कुल्लुका) - In Saraswati Tantra, the knowledge about Kullukaa is utmost important. Kullukaa means to do Nyasa on Crown Chakra.

The Kullukaa Mantra for gods and goddesses are as follows:

A. Kali - ।। ॐ क्रीं हूं स्त्रीं ह्रीं फट् ।।
B. Taara Mahavidya - ।। ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं हूं ।।
C. Chinnmastaa -  ।। ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं ऐं ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा ।।
D. Vajra Vayrochani (वज्र वैरोचनी ) - ।। ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं ऐं ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा हूं ।।
E. Bhairavi - ।।ॐ ह स रै ।।
F. Tripura Sundari - ।। ऐं क्लीं ह्रीं त्रिपुरे भगवती स्वाहा ।।
G. Bhadra - ।।ॐ क्लीं क्लीं हूं ।।
H. Bhuvaneshwari - ।। ॐ ह्रीं ।।
I. Vishnu - ।। ॐ नमो नारायणाय ।।
J. Matangi - ।।  ॐ ।।
K. Dhumaavati - ।। ॐ ह्रीं ।।
L. Shodashi ।। ॐ स्त्रीं ।।
M. Lakshmi - ।।ॐ श्रीं ।।
N. Saraswati - ।। ॐ ऐं ।।
O. Annapurna - ।। ॐ क्लीं ।।
P. Shiv ।। ॐ ह्रौं ।।
Q. Hanuman ।। ॐ फ्रौं ।।
R. Varada ।। ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं श्रीं ह्रीं ।।
S. AshtLakshmi ।। ॐ ॐ श्रीं ।।
T.  Gyaaneshvari - ।। ॐ ज्ञं ।।
U. Vaagdevi - ।। ॐ ज्रं भ्रं ज्ञं ।।
V. Anang(Kamadev) - ।। ॐ सं ।।
Other than this, Kullukaa mantra for all other gods is their Mool Mantra.

I do not vouch for the Kullukaa given for Kamdev as सं is the Beej Mantra for Pishach and Pisachinis.  Hence, if someone does Kamdev Sadhana, I suggest them to do Kullukaa using  ।। क्लीं कामदेवाय नमः ।।

9. Mahaa-Setu (महासेतु) - This is one of the most beneficial chant. With the help of this, a person can chant the Mantra anywhere and everywhere. Many people face the problem of being unable to chant a mMantra while sitting at home. It is said that During Sadhana days, if a person just keeps on chanting and chanting and chanting continuously he definitely gets Siddhi over the Mantra. For continuously chanting the Mantra, these Beej Mantras should be chanted 10 times and then one must begin Japa of the Isht Mantra. Mahaa-Setu Mantra should only be chanted while meditating on Vishuddh Chakra.

For Kali – क्रीं
Tripur Sundari – ह्रीं
Tara – हूं
Shodashi – स्त्रीं
Annapurna – अं
Lakshmi – श्रीं
For all other gods, Mahaa-Setu Mantra is
।। स्त्रीं ।।

10. Mantra Setu or Kavach Setu - After doing Mantra Setu, one must recite Kavach Setu. Kavach Setu Mantra should be chanted 10 rosary. Kavach Setu Mantra for Brahman and Kshatriya is  ॐ,  for Vaishnav it is फट् and Shudra ह्रीं.

The Kavach Setu must be recited 10 rosary while mediating upon the Heart Chakra.

Keep in mind that Varna of each person depends upon his Kundli and not his lineage. If you are a Vaishnav by birth does not necessarily mean that your son or daughter will also be born a Vaishnav.

11. निर्वाण - The Sadhak must chant the mantra with the Sanskrit letters like अ, आ,इ, ई, etc. up to क्ष.  After क्ष,  recite the Mantra whose Sadhana you are going to do and then recite ऐं.  After ऐं,  go in reverse direction.

For example:  the निर्वाणof Om Namaha Shivay Mantra will be -
" ।। ॐ अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ,.....स, ह, क्ष, (ॐ नमः शिवाय), ऐं, ऐं, (शिवाय नमः ॐ) क्ष, ह, स.........ई, इ, आ, अ ॐ ।।
This has to be repeated 3 times. This will complete Nirvaan Vidhi of the Mantra.

12. बंधन विधि - This a very important Vidhi before starting the main Japa. This Vidhi protects the Mantra and the Sadhak from any kind of Vipreet Badhaa or demonic entities.
The bandhan mantras for various Gods/Goddesses is as follows -
A. Tripursundari - श्रीं ॐ ॐ श्रीं
B. Tara  - ॐ श्रीं ॐ
C. Durga – क्रीं ॐ क्रीं
D. Baglamukhi - ऐं ह्रीं ह्रीं ऐं
E. Matangi – ॐ ऐं ॐ
F. Lakshmi – ॐ श्रीं श्रीं श्रीं ॐ
G. Dhandaa(Kuber) -ॐ श्रं ध्रं श्रीं ॐ
H. Ganesh – ॐ गं गं गं ॐ
I. Vishnu – ॐ श्रीं
J. For all other Gods and Goddesses- ॐ श्रीं

The procedure of it is that you must add the above Beej Mantras before the Sadhana Mantra and chant 10 rosary of the Mantra.

For example – Bandhan for ॐ ह्रीं दुं दुर्गायै नमः will be ।। क्रीं ॐ क्रीं ॐ ह्रीं दुं दुर्गायै नमः ।।

13. Mudra - For every god there are various Mudras,  which one must make before starting his Japa. The Mudra for each god is different hence I cannot give them here. For example, Shri vidya Upasana involves 18 Mudras. Similarly, the Mudras of each god can be learn from a Guru..

The procedure of the Mudra is that you must make the Isht Dev's Mudra and chant the Isht Mantra 108 times while maintaining that Mudra.

The count must be mental since using a Mala won't be possible.

The the most basic Mudras for goddesses are Yoni Mudra and for Gods it is Beej Mudra.

Other than this, Aavhan Mudra also works for all Gods or goddesses.

The benefit of showing Mudras and chanting the Mantra is that it attracts the Sadhana god towards you and enlightens you.

14. Pranayam – This involves doing Rechak with the Sadhana Mantra 2 times, maintaining breath with the Mantra 4 times and doing Kumbhak with the Mantra 2 times.

What this means is, you must do mental Japa of the Mantra while doing Pranayam so as to invoke the Mantra within you.

15.Bhumi Shuddhi, Deh Shuddhi, Bhut Shuddhi and Mukh Shuddhi - I haven't given the Mantras and procedure for Bhut Shuddhi, Deh Shuddhi and Bhumi Shuddhi as they are quite long. However, I suggest to buy Nitya Karma Puja Prakash. A book published by Gita press which gives all such Mantras including procedure to do Yogini Puja, Tirth Aavhan, Guru Pujan Vidhi, procedure to do Havan, procedure to do Tarpan, Marjan, etc.  The book is must have book for all Hindus who like to do Mantra Sadhanas. It has lots of other Mantras as well which one can chant in his daily life for his well being.

The procedure for Mukh Shuddhi is given by me here. Mukh Shuddhi means to make our mouth pure. In our day to day lives, we make our mouth impure by telling lies, getting angry or abusing, eating non veg or taking in-toxic substances, etc.

The Mukh Shuddhi Mantra of various Gods and goddesses is as follows:

1. Tripursundari – श्रीं ॐ श्रीं ॐ श्रीं ॐ
2. Tara – ह्रीं ह्रूं ह्रीं
3. Shyama - क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ॐ ॐ ॐ क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं
4. Durga – ऐं ऐं ऐं
5. Baglamukhi – ऐं ह्रीं ऐं
6. Matangi – ऐं ॐ ऐं
7. Lakshmi – श्रीं
8. Ganesh – ॐ गं
9. Vishnu – ॐ ह्रं
10. For all other Gods/Goddesses – ॐ

The procedure is very simple. All you need to do is chant the Mukh Shuddhi Mantra of the Isht Dev 10 times.

16. Praan Yog – This means to invoke good in the Mantra. Recite the mMantra with the Samput of ह्रीं 7 times.

17. Deepan – in this, chant the Mantra with Samput of ॐ 7 times.

18. Sutak Mokshan -  other than Mrityu Sutak and Janma Sutak, there are various other Sutak like Praatah Sutak, Saayan Sutak, Naari Sutak, Patni Sutak, Vichaar Sutak, Chintan Sutak, Grihasth Sutak and Sanyaas Sutak.

The procedure of removing these Dosh is to give Samput of ॐ to all the sanskrit letters upto क्ष, and then recite the Mantra

For example, Sutak removal for ॐ हनुमते नमः will be -
।। ॐ अ ॐ, ॐ आ ॐ, ॐ इ ॐ, ॐ ई ॐ, ॐ उ ॐ, ॐ ऊ ॐ,............. ॐ क्ष ॐ, ( ॐ हनुमते नमः ).

This way, total 3 recitation have to be done to remove the 8 kinds of Sutak.

19. Madhya Drishti - In this, each letter of the Mantra must be Samput with Vaayu Beej and total 5 recitations must be done.

For example, Madhya Drishti of ॐ हनुमते नमः will be -
।। यं (ॐ) यं, यं (ह) यं, यं (नु) यं, यं (म) यं , यं (ते) यं, यं (न) यं ,यं (मः) यं ।।

In Madhya Drishti the letters must be encased with Yang Beej Mantra. The Samput should only be done as I have specified above and there is no need to Samput the syllables.

20. Anulom Vilom of Varnas - the Sadhak must chant the Varnas from  अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ..... upto ह and then chant anticlockwise from ह, स..... upto अ. This will complete 1 recitation. This way, total 3 recitations have to be done.

21. Purashcharan Japa- In this, Sadhak must do recite the God's Kavach, perform Ang Nyasa, Kar Nyasa and Rushiyadi Nyasa. Other than this, there are a total of 64 kinds of Nyasa. Kar Nyasa, Ang Nyasa and Rushiyadi Nyasa are mandatory for all Sadhanas. Other than this, some Sadhanas involve other Nyasa as well.

If someone does not get the Nyasa Mantras of the Isht Dev, then, you must use his Mool Mantra and perform the 3 mandatory Nyasa.

For example, the Mool Mantra of Shri Ram is ।। ॐ श्रीरामाय नमः ।।

Hence, the Sadhak must use the Mool Mantra for performing Nyasa

After performing Nyasa and reciting Kavach, he can start his main Mantra Japa. After Mantra Japa completion, he must take a little water in his hand and offer it to the idol or Yantra in front of him.
A photo can not be used in a Mantra Siddhi or Purashcharan Sadhana.

If the Sadhana is of goddess, the water must be offered to her right hand. If it is Sadhana of a god then water must be offered to the left hand.

After this, he must offer Mantra Pushp Anjali to the god. Mantra Pushp Anjali means to offer flower to god. Sadhak must make Anjali Mudra and keep a flower in it and perform the following. For Mantra Pushp Anjali, recite the Gayatri Mantra of all the Gods whose Puja you had done before your Isht Dev, then, recite your Isht Dev's Gayatri Mantra. After that, recite the Mool Mantra and say "मंत्र पुष्पांजलीं समर्पयामि "

For Example, in Hanuman sadhana, Lord Ganesh, Shiv/Rudra, Parvati, Ram, Sita and Hanuman are the Gods whose Puja is done.

Hence, I will chant their Gayatri Mantras order wise and then chant the following Mantra:
।। ॐ हनुमते नमः मंत्र पुष्पांजलीं समर्पयामि ।।

After offering Pushpanjali, he must perform Aarti of the god. After Aarti, he must perform Mantra Pushpanjali.

The Mantra Pushpanjali for Aarti is different. In this Sadhak must take a flower in hand and make Anjali Mudra and recite the Mantra Pushpanjali for Aarti.

The Mantra Pushpanjali for Aarti is long and hence I am not sharing here. It begins with "ॐ यज्ञेन यज्ञमजंत देवस्थानी धर्माणी....". This Pushpanjali is dedicated to Kuber and offering Pushpanjali to Kuber after Aarti is mandatory.

For Purashcharan, the best and the most feasible place would be inside a Shivalay or inside a temple which is in an isolated place.

If someone is doing Sadhana at home, he must refer to Kurma Chakra before hand.

22. After doing all of the above, he can have his daily food. Foods which contain salt, meat, alcohol, carrots, masoor, chana, arhar daal, foods which had been infested by insects or pests, stale food and use of glass or ceramic articles – all of these are very very strictly forbidden during Sadhana days. Having sex, talking about sexual topics, talking sweet, talking lies, white lies, applying oil on skin or hair, applying face packs, cutting hair or nails is forbidden during Sadhana days

Other than this, he must always remain engaged in Guru Seva and Seva in Mandir and speak as less as possible and avoid silly and stupid chit chats or gossips. He must daily give alms to beggars or Brahmins.


  1. Very very rare and greatb information Ashok sir, but could you please tell what should we do with 'kulluka' since you haven't mentioned in that article,

    1. I have mentioned about kulluka. Kulluka means nothing but doing nyasa at crown chakra with the the relevant mantra

  2. Dear Ashok Sir,
    What are the various mudras or postures for Hanuman mantra?

  3. Namashkar sir.i need advice that I am vegetarian but in law's my husband nonvegitaria and I am doing screen japa hanuman chalisa japa in this situation my prayoga works.i can't change their living style but I have to secure my daughters future.i want ride misery problem of financial debts.please reply pooja mantra japa can work

    1. As I have previously mentioned many times, wherever there is anger and hatred, prolonged family feuds, unhygienic surroundings, dirt, lack of discipline, non-veg and alcohol; Lakshmi never resides there.

      You can try if you want to but the things that I have mentioned is how the truth is.
      It is finally upto up on what kind of lifestyle you follow.

  4. jai sri ram
    jai hanuman
    ashok bro could you please post complete sadhana procedure of maa swapna vaaraahi...
    thank you

  5. Ashokiji please let me know mudras for laxshmi maa saadhna/puja. thanking you

  6. is there a way to print this article and refer to it whilst preparing and performing puja. Its too long to keep scrolling on the laptop whilst trying to do the puja/sadhna. thanks

    1. Yes, you caṇ by using the Chrome browser from Google, Instead of Intenet Explorer from Microsoft, click Prinṭ A dialogue box would open up to select the printeṛ Select the printer where you may want to print iṭ You can also make an Adobe .pdf file by using Print as .pdf and save to the folder you may like to. Reason for recommending Chromme browser was simply that it alowws fast printing as a .pdf file compared to Internet Explorer or the currrent browser Edge for Windows 10. Hope this will help

  7. Very helpful article. Now i face one big problem - Mantra Arth. I always wondered if it is okay to chant without knowing the meaning or translation well i dont know the language as i only speak english. I understand abit of hindi but that is for conversational. So how can one practice tantric practices if they dont know sanskrit,hindi,thai etc?

  8. all this is impossible to complete for normal people nowadays. only partially is possible. but i hear that people do get results from sadanas. that means that not everything is compulsory, otherwise nobody would get results. is that correct guruji?


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