Vishnu Aarti English - Marathi - 2

This is a short Aarti in the Marathi Language recited in praise of Vishnu. The Aarti says that Vishnu loves Ganga Jal, the holy and pure water of the river Ganga, he loves whoever who brings the holy waters of the Ganga.

Whosoever lights and dedicates with a pure heart Dhoop [incense] to him becomes dear to him forever, and he protects and guides that person.

This Aarti can also be taken as a type of Manas Puja or a prayer in the mind, which offers Ganga Jal to Vishnu.

What really matters to Vishnu is the sincerity and love of the devotee.
Shri Vishnu Aarti
English Translation
Avadi gangajale deva nhanile l
Bkaktiche bhushan premsugandh apile ll 1 ll
Ahn ha dhoop anila shrihariphude l
Jo jo dhoop jale to to deva avade ll 2 ll
Ramavallabhdase ahndhoop jalila l
Ekaraticha mag prarmbh kela ll 3 ll

श्रीविष्णू आरती
आवडी गंगाजळे देवा न्हाणीलें l
भक्तीचें भूषण प्रेमसुगंध अपींलें ll १ ll
अहं हा धूप आणिला श्रीहरीपुढें l
जों जों धूप जळे तों तों देवा आवडे ll २ ll
रमावल्लभदासें अहंधूप जाळिला l 
एकारतीचा मग प्रारंभ केला ll ३ ll
