In this post, I have described a most effective breathing exercise, which is said to be helpful in putting a powerful Vashikaran Love Spell upon any desired man or woman for whatever motive you have in you mind, including love, marriage, friendship or for any other purpose. This Vashikaran Remedy does not need the use of any Vashikaran Mantra, Yantra, Puja or any other Tantra.
This Vashikaran By Breathing is a kind of “Vashikaran Dhyan” in which the practitioner has to bring a mental image of the desired person in his mind.
Apart from the desired beloved, this Vashikaran Remedy can be effectively practiced on anyone, including your husband or wife or any other member of your family, like your mother-in-law, father-in-law or your boss or superior officer.
Success in this Vashikaran Totka primarily revolves around your ability to single-mindedly concentrate on the end target and exclude every other thought or emotion from your mind.
This kind of Vashikaran Exercise is tried by many practitioners of Vashikaran Vidya, including some advanced Sadhaks who are regularly in touch with me and share their experiences.
The simple guidelines given below are essential in order to practice this Vashikaran Upay and cast a spell of Remote Vashikaran on the targeted person.
1] Sit down quietly, on a new sitting mat in a closed room or a silent place, where you are not likely to be interrupted or distracted by any person or sound. The sitting mat should be purple in color.
2] Close your eyes and breathe through for right nostril and hold your breath for about a couple of seconds and then exhale slowly through your left nostril.
3] Simultaneously, bring a mental image of the targeted person and imagine that he is standing in front of you with folded hands and is willing to do whatever you ask him to do.
4] This Vashikaran Exercise should be practiced for seven, twenty one or forty days. You can slowly start increasing the time of this Vashikaran Exercise and also the breath retention timing. During the specified period for which you have decided to practice this Vashikaran remedy, you can start by practicing it for 15 minutes and then slowly increase the time to 1 hour.
5] Once you have decided on the mental image of the targeted person, you should not deviate from it and only concentrate upon that particular image.
Note- Only people having sound health should practice this Vashikaran Exercise and those suffering from breathing, heart or lungs related disorder should refrain from practice this Exercise.
As mentioned above, self confidence and concentration are essential for being successful in casting a Remote Spell of Vashikaran on the targeted person because in this remedy, the practitioner remotely implants his thoughts in the mind of the targeted person.
This Vashikaran By Breathing is a kind of “Vashikaran Dhyan” in which the practitioner has to bring a mental image of the desired person in his mind.
Apart from the desired beloved, this Vashikaran Remedy can be effectively practiced on anyone, including your husband or wife or any other member of your family, like your mother-in-law, father-in-law or your boss or superior officer.
Success in this Vashikaran Totka primarily revolves around your ability to single-mindedly concentrate on the end target and exclude every other thought or emotion from your mind.
This kind of Vashikaran Exercise is tried by many practitioners of Vashikaran Vidya, including some advanced Sadhaks who are regularly in touch with me and share their experiences.
The simple guidelines given below are essential in order to practice this Vashikaran Upay and cast a spell of Remote Vashikaran on the targeted person.
1] Sit down quietly, on a new sitting mat in a closed room or a silent place, where you are not likely to be interrupted or distracted by any person or sound. The sitting mat should be purple in color.
2] Close your eyes and breathe through for right nostril and hold your breath for about a couple of seconds and then exhale slowly through your left nostril.
3] Simultaneously, bring a mental image of the targeted person and imagine that he is standing in front of you with folded hands and is willing to do whatever you ask him to do.
4] This Vashikaran Exercise should be practiced for seven, twenty one or forty days. You can slowly start increasing the time of this Vashikaran Exercise and also the breath retention timing. During the specified period for which you have decided to practice this Vashikaran remedy, you can start by practicing it for 15 minutes and then slowly increase the time to 1 hour.
5] Once you have decided on the mental image of the targeted person, you should not deviate from it and only concentrate upon that particular image.
Note- Only people having sound health should practice this Vashikaran Exercise and those suffering from breathing, heart or lungs related disorder should refrain from practice this Exercise.
As mentioned above, self confidence and concentration are essential for being successful in casting a Remote Spell of Vashikaran on the targeted person because in this remedy, the practitioner remotely implants his thoughts in the mind of the targeted person.
I am posting this because I know lot of people will check this post. I simply want to know if any tantrik is here who knows siddha shabar mantras for different purposes I would like to invite them for sharing those over video chat/mail and for this I will give my known tantras in exchange which all are gurumukhi and siddha no need to chant for long ( i can give you vashikaran, wealth mantra, fever curing tantra even some tantra like real magic those I dont want to tell here. All are tested and 100% working as this all are gurumukhi.
ReplyDeleteNote: no fake people will contact me. As I know truth finding tantra, so lie will not work. Also i don't need to waste my time.
I am part time tantrik and engineer. Hope you ( tantriks) understand that my desire is learning more than prayog though I do prayog but not for all.
Email Id:
Thank you
16 दिसंबर रविवार को प्रातः 9 बजकर 8 मिनट पर सूर्य के धनु राशि में प्रवेश करते ही खरमास या मलमास प्रारम्भ हो जाएगा .खरमास में विवाह .नूतन गृह प्रवेश ,नया वाहन भवन क्रय करना ,मुंडन जैसे शुभ कार्यों पर एक माह के लिए प्रतिबन्ध लग जाएगा .वैदिक ज्योतिष में गुरु को समस्त शुभ कार्यों का प्रतिनिधि ग्रह माना गया है .सूर्य जब गुरु की राशि धनु और मीन में प्रवेश करता है ,तो इससे गुरु निस्तेज हो जाते हैं ,उनका प्रभाव समाप्त हो जाता है .शुभ कार्यों के लिए गुरु का पूर्ण बलशाली अवस्था में होना आवश्यक है .इसलिए इस एक माह के दौरान शुभ कार्य वर्जित होते हैं .सूर्य एक माह बाद मकर राशि में प्रवेश करेगा .इस ख़ास दिन को मकर संक्रांति दिन मनाया जाता है .इस दिन से उत्तरायण प्रारम्भ होता है ,जिसे देवताओं का दिन कहा जाता है .समस्त शुभ कार्य इस दिन से प्रारम्भ हो जाते हैं .
ReplyDeleteLot of people are mailing me for learning mantra/tantras for them my advise is to get a guru in your area who can guid you in every point.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone needs sarvo vashikaran tilak can mail me at with mentioning valid reason.