Truth About Akashic Records and Readers

Akashic Records is a term, which denotes the sum total or compilation of the records of each and every event that occurs or has ever occurred in the life span of each and every living entity in the Cosmos.  The term Akashic Records probably originated from the studies of Theosophical thinkers who did extensive research on the composition of the Universal Energy or Cosmic-Consciousness and journey of the soul.

Akash is the Hindi word for Sky or Space, however in the context of the term Akashic Records, it most probably means the Undivided or Whole Mind. This probably was influenced by the Advaita or Nondualism philosophy of existence, popularized by Adi Shankara, in which each and every entity is essentially the same organism at the highest levels of existence even though it vibrates to different frequencies at lower levels.  Each and every entity means even the invisible astral life forms in various evolutionary stages of existence. In the west Akashic Records were popularized by the famous mystic Edgar Cayce.

Akashic Records are a compilation of the journey of a soul through its numerous life-cycles and includes each and every incident occurring in the life of the soul and every thought generated by it no matter how insignificant it may appear. Some people have compared the Akashic Records to a Super Computer, which is probably true to an extent.

A few spiritualists who have gone deeper into to this concept and have had first-hand experience of Akashic Readings have described the entities or keepers of Akashic Records. These Akashic Record Keepers are the evolved Masters described by Paramahansa Yogananda's Guru Swami Sri Yukteswar, when he manifested before Yogananda after leaving his earthly body. Sri Yukteswar told Yogananda that he was a Master in the astral plane to guide other less evolved life forms to rise to higher levels of existence.

My studies of the writings of those people who were helped by the Masters in discovering their true purpose in life does not reveal any complicated form of worship or ritual to connect to these Masters. More often than not a simple prayer, surrendering the mind to the wisdom of the Masters was sufficient to make the connection. The Astral Masters as described by them were beings in the highest stage of evolution who were ever-willing to help and aid the true spiritualist.  However, it should be noted that these people were advanced spiritualists or those in the higher stages of evolution.

Akashik Readings are becoming popular nowadays, especially over the internet. There are a lot of practitioners of the Occult, especially psychics, tarot-card readers, fortune-tellers and aura readers who claim to have access to Akashik Readings.  However, it is very difficult to verify the claims of these people and hence extreme caution is advisable before engaging the services of an Akashic Reader.

In rare cases a psychic or any other person claiming to possess extrasensory perception can be genuine but he might himself be a victim of Virtual Reality, in which the minds deceives the subject into believing that he or she is experiencing something. Virtual Reality is a vast and interesting field on which, I will be writing about sometimes in the near future.

I would love to know about the experiences of readers who have come in contact with a genuine Akashic Reader.  I would also like to hear from an true Akashic Reader who has transcended the deceptions of the mind [Virtual Reality] and made contact with the Astral Masters.


  1. Hi, Mr Neil,Unfortunately I couldn't succeed with meditation practice,When I meditate, I can't breathe, which spoil the meditation, Is there a solution for this problem?

    1. You have to practice to meditate without thinking about anything else, including your breath, then it will come correctly without even trying.

    2. Thank you very much Sir Neil, Namaste, Gods bless you

    3. Hi
      Namaste,while we are sleeping that time we are nearly disconnects from our brain and our breathing know, we must controlled our brain at the time we are sleeping and some brain function ae active that electrifying must controll

  2. Sir,have you ever came across a sadhana through which we can access the akashik records and become a genuine akashik reader.
    If yes,it will be gratefull if you share it with us
    Thank you

  3. Thanks for this post sir, expecting more in this subject.. I'm a beginner in this Astral Projection...and during relaxing meditation I had seen peculiar figures..


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