Bhairav Aarti - English - Marathi

This is the Aarti in the Marathi Language recited in praise of Bhairav or Kaal or time. Time spares none, none can escape it.

Thus it is recommended that everyone gets the blessings of time in order to make your journey through life smooth.

I have tried to do justice to the translation.

Bhairav Aarti
English Translation
Dakshinemaaji bhairav to dev l
Shetrapaal bandi loktrayabhaav l
Bhaktansi dekhuni charni de thaav l
Devancha taarak tu shri bhairavdev ll 1 ll
Jay dev jay dev jay bhairavdeva l
Sadbhave aarti karito me deva ll Dhru.ll
Vaamangi jogeshwari shobhe sundar l
Kaase pitambar vaadhancha gajar l
Bhaktansi dekhuni hari krupakar l
Ramdas charni tva maage thaar ll Jay ll 2 ll

श्री भैरव आरती
दक्षिणेमाजी भैरव तो देव l
क्षेत्रपाळ बंदी लोकत्रयभाव l
भक्तांसी देखुनी चरणी दे ठाव l
देवांचा तारक तूं श्री भैरवदेव ll १ ll
जय देव जय देव जय भैरवदेवा l
सद्भावे आरती करितों मी देवा ll धृ.ll
वामांगी जोगेश्वरी शोभे सुंदर l
कासे पीतांबर वाधांचा गजर l
भक्तांसी देखुनी हरि कृपाकर l
रामदास चरणी त्वा मागे थार ll जय.ll २ ll

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