Jain Vashikaran and Kamdev Mantras

In this post, I have written about two Vashikaran Mantras from the Jain Tantra. The first Vashikaran Mantra is a Dravikaran Mantra to liquefy or melt the hearts of ladies by appearing seductive and enchanting to them and second Vashikaran Mantra is a Sarvajan or All-People Attracting Kamdev Mantra.

Even though we have written about hundreds of Vashikaran Mantras of every kind, I am still writing about these Vashikaran Mantras because the procedure is as mentioned below very simple and can person, including lay-person and practice them to fulfill their objectives.

The procedure of practicing both these Vashikaran Mantras is simple and uncomplicated and there is no Bandhan regarding Shubh Muhurat, Disha, Aasan, Mala, Puja-Vidhi for practicing both these Vashikaran Mantras.

Akarshan, Vashikaran and Kamdev Mantras

Jain Stri or Ladies Vashikaran Mantra
This Mantra has to be chanted 100, 000 times by chanting it for a fixed number of Mantra Chants in as few days as possible.

ॐ चले चले चुले चुले चित्त रेतो विमुंच विमुंच स्वाहा ||
Om Chale Chale Chule Chule Chitta Reto Vimumcha Vimumcha Swaha ||

Jain Sarvajan Vashikaran Kamdev Mantra
This Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra should be chanted 3000 times in as few days as possible to gain Siddhi over the Vashikaran Mantra.

नमः कामदेवाय सर्वजन विजयाय सर्वजन संमोहनाय प्रज्वलिताय सर्व जन हृदयं ममात्मगते कुरु ठः ठः ||
Namah Kamadevaya Sarvajan Vijayaaya Sarvajan Sammohanaaya Prajvalitaaya Sarva Jan Hridayam Mamaatmagate Kuru Thah Thah ||

As per the Jain Mantra Shastra, the only criteria for Mastering these Mantra Chants and be able to enhance and increase the inherent powers of attraction is to chant them for the numbers specified in this post.

After gaining Siddhi over both these Vashikaran Mantras, the practitioner can chant these Vashikaran Mantra 7. 11 or 21 times daily as per his desire. This is not mandatory but it is advisable to always keep in touch with the Mastered Vashikaran Mantras.

As these Vashikaran Mantras have originated from the Jain Tantra, it is advisable to maintain a Satvik lifestyle, maintain Brahmacharya or Celibacy consume Veg-Food, refrain from gossiping and speaking ill about others and getting angry until the Siddhi Sadhana is completed.

The Hindi language video of the Kamdev Vashikaran Mantra can be seen on our YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ssbsoqmMhg

Notes- See the sections of Jain Mantras and Tantra and Akarshan Mantras and Tantras for a large selection of Vashikaran, Mohini and Sammohan Mantras.


  1. Do we have to master both or any one? I want to practice only second mantra on sarvajan? Please suggest...

  2. Sir please tell can i practice only second mantra?

  3. Can i practice only second mantra?

    1. Both mantras are different. You can practice second mantra .

  4. Om rajmukhi rajmukhi hreem hreem kleem devi mahadevi devaadhidevi sarv jnaabhi mukham mam vasham kuru kuru swaha...daily subah uthkar bed par right hand se 3 baar mukh maarjan kare.Lord Shiva says this is mahamantra to attract whole world.

    1. @Prophet666, can you please make an article about this mantra?
      @ Dev, what is mukh maarjan?

    2. In Yogini Tantra this is the mantra -om raajmukhee raajmukhee hreem hreem
      kleem devee mahaadevee devaadhidevee sarvjanasya abhimukham mam vasham kuru kuru swaahaa ॐ राजमुखी राजमुखी ह्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं देवी महादेवी देवाधिदेवी सर्वजनस्य अभिमुखं मम वशं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा ।
      Shivji says-O Maaheshwaree !In the morning the practitioner sitting on his bed should move his right hand on his face thrice chanting this mantra.O Shivaa!The man who practices this mantra daily ,the whole world comes under his control .शिवजी कहते हैं -हे माहेश्वरी !साधक शय्या पर स्थित होकर प्रातःकाल में तीन बार दाहिने हाथ से मुख मार्जन करे ।हे शिवे !जगत वशीकरण के निमित्त नित्य इस प्रकार से जो करता है ,चराचर जगत उसको अवश्य वशीभूत होगा ,इसमें संदेह नहीं ।(इति मंत्रेण शय्यास्थ :प्रातःकाले महेश्वरि,
      त्रिवारं दक्ष हस्तेन मुखम सम्मार्जयेत कृती । एवन्तु प्रत्यहं कुर्यात जगतवश्याय कामिनि,अवश्यं जायते वश्यं जगतेतत चराचरम )

    3. The video based upon this information can be seen on our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdyVng7SwAQ

  5. यह काम ही तो सृष्टि की आदि तरंग है ।काम है तो सृष्टि हंसती है ,खिलखिलाती है ,गुनगुनाती है ।चारों और चहल पहल रहती है ।पक्षी चहचहाते हैं,फूल मुस्कुराते हैं ,जड़ जंगम चेतन रहता है ,गतिशील रहता है ।वह मदन (नशीला )है ,पुष्पधन्वा है ,अनंग (न +अंग)है,मन्मथ,मनोज,मार ,कंदर्प ,मनसिज,रतिनाथ,मीनकेतु,,रतिपति है ।वह लुटेरा बटमार है जो कामिनी की काया रूपी वन में ,दुर्गम स्तन पर्वतों की ओट में छिप कर मन मुसाफिर को लूटता है ।पुरुष हो या नारी ,काम से आतुर व्यक्ति को न भय है ,न लज्जा (कामातुराणाम न भयं न लज्जा )।एक संस्कृत श्लोक में प्रश्न उत्तर के माध्यम से संवाद है --
    "कहाँ गमन होता करभोरु !घना अन्धेरा ? "
    "जाती हूँ मैं वहीं ,जहां प्राणाधिक मेरा "
    "बाले !तुझे क्या डर नहीं एकाकिनी जाते हुए ?"
    "साथ मेरे चल रहा है मदन धनु ताने हुए "
    (करभोरु =करभ+उरु,करभ=शिशु हाथी /शिशु गज जैसी जांघ वाली )
    काम से पीड़ित व्यक्ति व्यथित रहता है ।"अभिज्ञात शाकुन्तल "में राजा दुष्यंत के प्रेम में ब्यथित शकुंतला के लिए एक सखी दूसरी से कहती
    है -बेचारी बहुत पीड़ित है ।दूसरी सखी परिहास करती है -किससे पीड़ित है ?काम से या घाम से ?
    आश्चर्य नहीं कि षट्कर्मो में सबसे ज्यादा वशीकरण -आकर्षण ,मोहन -से सम्बंधित मन्त्र मिलते हैं ।ऋषियों ने अनंग उपनिषद और काम सूत्र
    जैसी रचनाएं की हैं ।
    तो यह काम अनिवार्य है ,अपरिहार्य है ।यदि काम न हो तो उथल पुथल मच जाय ।आसमान थम जायगा ,धरती गतिहीन हो जायगी ,जड़ जीव
    अस्तित्व हीन हो जायेंगे ,धरती समाप्त हो जाएगी ।

  6. Hello sir Satyanidhi, what do you written in Hindi?

    1. I have not mentioned any mantra here .The existence and necessity of "Kaam"
      (Love/Lust) has been explained .If Kaam is there,we exist .In his absence the world comes to an end.

  7. Hello sir am a regular reader of this site and i like your post but honesty let me let you something you post tantra and mantras for the welfare of people around the world but you never provide the proper vidhi or tye right procedure to practice the mantras which is very harmful ..iii.am a sadhak and I have knowledge of tantra shashtra...if you do not perform any mantra with proper vidh then it harm you rather than benifit you..as per shatras if sadhak chant mantra without asaan or improper asan it creates mental dullness in mind..if sadhak dnt face right direction then mantra work in distructive manner for him...and there are lot of other things are there....mantra with improper vidhi could distroy the life of sadhak...its my personal experience...still am fighting.with bad effects of mantras...

  8. So its my humble requist to you to plz try to provide proper vidhi to readers coz it could ruin people life...and the sinn generated by this will came to you...I respect you a lot and I hope you will take it in right way....jai shri ram

  9. Sir ,in jain vashikaran mantra "Rahtho"is missing on English version


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