Simple Remedies for Collective Self Confidence and Vashikaran

In this post, I have written about the simplest paranormal remedies, or Totke / Upay as they are called in Hindi for making the full family confident and prosperous and to cast a Vashikaran Spell over all persons connected to your job or business.

Some newcomers to Indian Supernatural and Tantric Practice write in the comments section that they are unable to practice these paranormal remedies because they feel confused or lack the necessary ingredients needed to practice these remedies. Hence, the Upay described in this post are so simple to implement that anyone can practice them without the slightest difficulty.

Paranormal Remedy for the Collective Self-Confidence and Will-Power of the Full Family: This Upay is so simple and uncomplicated that some people will not be convinced that this is a paranormal remedy. Here, I must mention that this Totka has always been practiced in India and some parts of the World and it can be considered to be a tried and tested paranormal remedy, which not only gives collective self-confidence to the family but also removes negative energies from the house and resolves differences between the family members.

As this paranormal remedy attracts positive vibrations, it will at the same time attract money, wealth, prosperity, happiness, and love into the house.

The YouTube Video of this Paranormal Remedy can be seen on our YouTube Channel Prophet666: Apne Parivar Ki Iccha Shakti Aur Atmabal Badhane Ka Chamatkari Upay

How to Practice this Paranormal Remedy: At least once a week on any day, all the members should come together and have their dinner at home. This remedy applies to all those families who are staying in the same house, however, other family members who are staying separately due to lack of space can also be a part of the dinner. 

Upay for Self Confidence and Vashikaran

Paranormal Remedy for the Vashikaran of All Persons connected to the Job or Business:
This simple and uncomplicated paranormal remedy will remove problems related to the job or business by casting a Vashikaran Spell over all associates at the same time and stop them from causing difficulties for the practitioner. 

How to Practice this Vashikaran Remedy: This Sarvajan or All People Vashikaran Upay does not need any kind of Mantra Chanting or any religious ritual to practice it. The Upay should be practiced on the evening or night of a Sunday.

The practitioner should purchase a Tarbuj or Watermelon and take it in his right hand and rotate it over his head 7 times in a row in a clockwise manner. This is is simple exorcism ritual called Utatra in Hindi. The watermelon can be a small one because there are no restrictions about the size of the watermelon for practicing this paranormal remedy.

After completing the Utara, the practitioner should take the watermelon along with him and keep it in a Chouraha or a meeting place of four roads. After doing this, he should go back to his home without glancing back over his shoulders. This paranormal remedy should be practiced in secrecy and the practitioner should not tell anyone that he has practiced it.

This is a One-Time Vashikaran Remedy and it can be practiced again on any Sunday if the need is felt.

Notes: All kinds of Indian Paranormal Remedies can be seen in the sections Paranormal Remedies of all Kinds and Vashikaran Remedies.


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