22 Hindu Omens about Involuntary Twitching of Body Parts

In this post, I have written about 22 auspicious omens or Shubh Shakun connected to the Involuntary Twitching or Fadakna of various body parts. These omens have originated from Ancient Indian Samudrika Shastra or the Paranormal Hindu Science of Body Parts of men and women.

Ancient Indian Sages wrote about these omens based on their experiences and knowledge gained by closely observing the future of others who had experienced involuntary twitching of body parts.

However, I have written this article solely to give interesting information about ancient Indian paranormal beliefs. I have purposely omitted the inauspicious omens connected with involuntary twitching of body parts because this could have adverse effects on some people and could cause them to attract negative energy.
Indian Omens about Twitching Body Parts

Some of the more important auspicious omens connected to Twitching or Fadakna of Body Parts id given below:

1] Eyebrows of both Eyes: Meeting with loved ones or lovers.

2] Right Eye: If the upper part of the right eye is twitching, it indicates the gain of money and wealth or meeting a friend after a long time.

3] Lower Part of the Left Eye: Gain of wealth and money.

4] Closed Eyes: This indicates happiness and joy.

5] Lower Part of Both Eyes: Meeting a woman.

6] Upper Lip: Good Food or being part of a Feast.

7] Tongue: Benefits of all kinds.

8] Right Ear of men: Knowledge or Information of your family or gain of women.

9] Both Ears: Happiness from wealth and property.

10] Temple: Information about a lover, spouse, or desired lover.

11] Right Shoulder: Gain of Gold or Gold Ornaments.

12] Left Shoulder: Some or little gain of money and wealth.

13] Nerves: Gain of clothes and satisfaction.

14] Breasts: Gain of wealth and prosperity.

15] Upper Arms: Meeting with brothers.

16] Womb: Happiness and Pleasure.

17] Stomach: Happiness and gain of a son.

18] Knees: Friendship with enemies, rivals, or competitors.

19] Legs: Long journey and happiness.

20] Fingers: Eating spicy and tasty food.

21] Head: Meeting with powerful and influential people and being honored by these people.

22] Forehead: All kinds of Happiness and peace.

Notes: You read about more such interesting Indian Omens and other supernatural information in the Section Prophet666.com: Indian Paranormal Beliefs.
