Vashikaran Yantra-Mantra for Extreme and Everlasting Attraction
In this post, I have written about a Vashikaran Yantra-Mantra for Extreme and Everlasting Attraction, which can be used to gain success in the most difficult Vashikaran Experiments. This Vashikaran Experiment uses a powerful numerical Yantra and a simple variation of the famous and popular Chimi-Chimi Vashikaran Mantra, which is mostly used in Vashikaran By Water Mantra Experiments.
The Vashikaran Mantra-Yantra Prayog will only work accurately if the practitioner really loves the desired man or woman and they are suitable for each other and he or she practices the Vashikaran Experiment with unflinching confidence and intensity. The Vashikaran Upay can also be used to bind a powerful and influential person in authority to get favors from him.
The Vashikaran Experiment can be practiced in the following way:
1] The Yantra shown in the image below should be prepared on a Bhojpatra using Ashtagandha paste and a small wooden stick as the ink and pen on any auspicious day according to the Hindu Panchang or Hindu Festival.

2] Then, the practitioner should place the Yantra before himself on a wooden board and start chanting the Vashikaran Mantra given below by replacing the word Name-नाम in the Mantra with the name of the desired man or woman. The practitioner has to chant the Vashikaran Mantra 27, 000 times, which can be done by taking a pledge to chant the Vashikaran Mantra for a fixed number of chants every day until this number is completed. However, the Vashikaran Experiment will be more powerful if the chanting is completed in as few days as possible.
|| ॐ चिमि चिमि [ नाम ] वश्य मे स्वाहा ||
|| Om Chimi Chimi [ Name ] Vashya Me Swaha ||
3] After the Vashikaran Mantra Chanting is completed, the practitioner should light Doop / Incense Stick and an Oil or Ghee Lamp before it and then fold and keep it in a metal or cloth locket and wear it around his right upper arm or neck.
Note: Vashikaran-Mohini Mantra and Yantra Experiments can be seen in the sections Vashikaran-Akarshan Mantras, Vashikaran Tone-Totke, and Upay and Vashikaran Yantras.
The Vashikaran Mantra-Yantra Prayog will only work accurately if the practitioner really loves the desired man or woman and they are suitable for each other and he or she practices the Vashikaran Experiment with unflinching confidence and intensity. The Vashikaran Upay can also be used to bind a powerful and influential person in authority to get favors from him.
The Vashikaran Experiment can be practiced in the following way:
1] The Yantra shown in the image below should be prepared on a Bhojpatra using Ashtagandha paste and a small wooden stick as the ink and pen on any auspicious day according to the Hindu Panchang or Hindu Festival.

2] Then, the practitioner should place the Yantra before himself on a wooden board and start chanting the Vashikaran Mantra given below by replacing the word Name-नाम in the Mantra with the name of the desired man or woman. The practitioner has to chant the Vashikaran Mantra 27, 000 times, which can be done by taking a pledge to chant the Vashikaran Mantra for a fixed number of chants every day until this number is completed. However, the Vashikaran Experiment will be more powerful if the chanting is completed in as few days as possible.
|| ॐ चिमि चिमि [ नाम ] वश्य मे स्वाहा ||
|| Om Chimi Chimi [ Name ] Vashya Me Swaha ||
3] After the Vashikaran Mantra Chanting is completed, the practitioner should light Doop / Incense Stick and an Oil or Ghee Lamp before it and then fold and keep it in a metal or cloth locket and wear it around his right upper arm or neck.
Note: Vashikaran-Mohini Mantra and Yantra Experiments can be seen in the sections Vashikaran-Akarshan Mantras, Vashikaran Tone-Totke, and Upay and Vashikaran Yantras.
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