Vashikaran of Any Person or Everyone
A Vashikaran Yantra to attract any wished-for man or woman or everyone present in a meeting or gathering at the same time has been described in this post. This Yantra is purely a numerical charm, which emits the desired frequencies that possess the magical power to enchant anyone or everyone.
As mentioned above this All Purpose Vashikaran Yantra is a magical attraction charm that vibrates to the numerical frequency of the number 97780. The magic of numbers is casting all kinds of Occult Spells has been described in detail in many earlier posts.
As this is a stand-alone Numerical Vashikaran Yantra it can be made on any day without any kind of ritual or Mantra/Stotra Chanting. Hence, the Vashikaran Yantra can prove to be most suitable for everyone, including people with little knowledge of Mantra Shastra or Paranormal Remedies.
The simple procedure should be followed for making and using the Vashikaran Yantra.
The VashikaranYantra should be drawn on white paper using a red-colored pen. Those wishing to use Bhojpatra can use Ashtagandha Paste as the ink and a small pointed wooden stick as the pen.
It is better to laminate the Vashikaran Yantra so that it does not get torn and damaged.
For the Vashikaran of any person
The Vashikaran Yantra has to be kept under your seat. This will make any or all the persons you meet with the Vashikaran Yantra under your seat become attracted to you and act as per your wishes.
Under the seat can be read as under the cushion of your chair, under your seating mat or mattress and so on.
For the collective Vashikaran of everyone in a meeting/gathering
The Vashikaran Yantra has to be kept in the pocket while attending or addressing the gathering.
This is said to cast a collective Vashikaran Spell on all the people who are present for the meeting and make them agreeable to the opinions and suggestions given by you.
Notes- See the sections on Vashikaran Mantras, Vashikaran Yantras, and Charms, Vashikaran Remedies for every purpose.
As mentioned above this All Purpose Vashikaran Yantra is a magical attraction charm that vibrates to the numerical frequency of the number 97780. The magic of numbers is casting all kinds of Occult Spells has been described in detail in many earlier posts.
As this is a stand-alone Numerical Vashikaran Yantra it can be made on any day without any kind of ritual or Mantra/Stotra Chanting. Hence, the Vashikaran Yantra can prove to be most suitable for everyone, including people with little knowledge of Mantra Shastra or Paranormal Remedies.
The simple procedure should be followed for making and using the Vashikaran Yantra.
The VashikaranYantra should be drawn on white paper using a red-colored pen. Those wishing to use Bhojpatra can use Ashtagandha Paste as the ink and a small pointed wooden stick as the pen.
It is better to laminate the Vashikaran Yantra so that it does not get torn and damaged.
For the Vashikaran of any person
The Vashikaran Yantra has to be kept under your seat. This will make any or all the persons you meet with the Vashikaran Yantra under your seat become attracted to you and act as per your wishes.
Under the seat can be read as under the cushion of your chair, under your seating mat or mattress and so on.
For the collective Vashikaran of everyone in a meeting/gathering
The Vashikaran Yantra has to be kept in the pocket while attending or addressing the gathering.
This is said to cast a collective Vashikaran Spell on all the people who are present for the meeting and make them agreeable to the opinions and suggestions given by you.
Notes- See the sections on Vashikaran Mantras, Vashikaran Yantras, and Charms, Vashikaran Remedies for every purpose.
Where is 97780 on the yantra..
Add numbers horizontally n vertically u get 97780
ReplyDeleteEven diagonally
DeleteReally doesn't make sense , under your seat?? How is that possible if you're at work all day , under your seat sometimes people will want to sit down inside etc , can't we wear it always on us ?
ReplyDeleteDear Neel sir,
ReplyDeleteCan we just keep it in our everyday used phone cover or pocket?