Prediction of collapse of governance in India

The prophecies of Nostradamus concerning India appear right of course towards fulfillment. These are self fulfilling predictions. This site has earlier given a detailed description of the prophecies of Nostradamus on India; in the month and years since then, the cards are beginning to fall in place.

The “Chants and songs” and the “demands” spoken about in Century 1 – 14, are growing and growing in intensity day by day. The ‘headless idiots” spoken here are the two principal political parties, the Congress and the BJP; it will not take some prophet to tell you that they are headless; without leaders. The “oranges and white” – the Saffron and the Gandhi Topi, are outdoing each other in everything; including corruption.

“Princes and lords held in prison” appears to be some sort of collapse likely to occur in the near future; its appears to be warning of total collapse as a lot of leaders are arrested and put in jails. That the system of governance in India is in state of collapse in crystal clear.

The demands and fasts held by Anna Hazare and Baba Ramedv have no effect at all. These are met headlong by the ruling class either by force or sleaze. Why are they so desperate to avoid strong anti corruption laws or laws to bring back the loot stashed away in Swiss and other tax havens. It obvious they are not going to catch and put themselves in prison.

The protests are going to intensify as the “enslaved populace,” has no other option to shout slogans and protest; all the powers are in the hands of the ruling class. The Future of India; appears at the most critical stage since it became a “ republic” -Century I - 3; more and more dirt comes out in the open and nothing happens.

Is the collapse just round the corner?

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