Shani Sade Sati Nivaran Upay for Kanya Rashi

A Shani Sade Sati Nivaran Upay for the Janma Rashi Kanya or the Moon Sign Virgo has been described by me in this post. This astrological remedy for off-setting  and being free from the harmful side-effects of this feared astrological transit of Saturn should be useful for the natives of the Moon Sign Virgo who are affected by this planetary phase.

1] On any Saturday, with you own hands wash, clean or bathe a person who is mentally unstable and having little or no knowledge of worldly-life.  After, this put new clothes on the body of that person and feed the person. It is essential to do all these things mentioned with your own hands.

Shani Sade Sati Nivaran Upay for Kanya Rashi or the Moon Sign Virgo

2] Then, go to a lonely and under populated place and place a Tel Ka Diya and 2 Haldi Ki Gathi[2 sticks of turmeric] on the ground and go back to your home.

3] Perform this Upay for 5 Saturdays in a row for getting freedom and relief from the trying and turbulent times of the Sade Sati of Shani.

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