Remedy to prevent evil energies entering home

There are numerous very interesting Paranormal Remedies which are practiced in India to wards of evil energies and the evil eye from entering your home. Some of these Remedies are really simple and easy to practice.

One such remedy for Protection from all sorts of evil energies, including the evil eye from entering your home is to light a Diya[small earthen lamp having a cotton wick] filled with Mustard Oil at the entrance of your home.

This Diya is lit every evening at dusk and placed at the right side of the entrance of your home. This is said to prevent evil energies from entering your home.

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  1. Namaste guru ji
    By right side you mean while entering home or going out of home, which side of door , plz explain , waiting for your reply guruji.
    With regards

    1. Right side of the main door while going out.

  2. Dear Sir, my ex boy friend was a Muslim, he came to my house and sprinkled some water in my house and also mixed the paint with the water n painted my house from.that day onwards I don't like going out of the house whole day am.sitting home, my business is almost finished I don't like working I cannot get up for work, I feel.uneasy, whole day am.sleeping, what should I do I am depresses and in pain, always having stomach issues... Plz help me.. What should I do

    1. You can practice this remedy as it will remove any Jadu-Tona or any other Tantra practiced by your ex boyfriend.

  3. Should the lamp be kep outside the door or inside the house near the door

    1. The Mustard Oil Diya should be kept at one of the corners outside of the main door, slightly outside the house.

  4. Because it is very windy can i cover this diya with a cylindrical glass candle cover?

    1. That should not be done, if the Diya goes out due to wind, it is all right.

  5. sir can we use the same diya again on every day or we need to take fresh diya everyday and plz tell for how many days it should be done. thnx regards

  6. I have been lighting a diya as written by Sir in this post for some time now. I try my best to light at the time of dusk... But sometimes it gets late n I still light it. Sir is it fine? Thanks.

    1. That should pose no problem, if sometimes there is a delay, it is all right.


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