Attraction Mantra for Heartless Person

This 4 letter Attraction Mantra Sadhana is said to melt the heart of any heartless person; even a heartless lover or spouse and bring that person under your spell of akarshan or attraction.

The mantra has to be chanted keeping a mental image of the heartless person whom you want to attract. There is no restriction or limit on the number of chants; it up to you. This Sadhana has to be done at a stretch for 15 days continuously.

This is a specific Mantra Sadhana for a specific individual; you have to repeat the whole process it if you wish to attract any other person for 15 days.

निर्दयी स्त्री-पुरुष को वश करनेका आकर्षण मंत्र इन हिंदी एंड इंग्लिश 
Akarshan Mantra to Attract any Heartless Man or Woman in Hindi and English

Indian Voodoo Attraction Mantra for Heartless Person
Attraction Mantra for Heartless Person

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  1. Hello sir. As u told for above mantra I am trying to do this gf. Due to some reason she is not talking to me and she want to finish everything almost she did from their side.
    Sir I love her a lot and can't concentrate in other thing every time I thought about her.
    Plz tell me will this mantra help me for getting back in my life or tell me any other thing so that se forget everything of past and come back in my life. Plz help me

    1. Plz try to chant 1 mala of Sidhi Vinayak mantra ....Pray to Ganesha whole heartly...It works.....

  2. Namastee Sirji,
    Does this mantra help for him to forget his past(his ex-girlfrient), and have attraction towards me for good, or is it just only for a short time.
    Kindly advice?
    Many thanks.

  3. Sorry Sirji,
    Forgot to mention, can I chant the mantra during my period time.
    Does this mantra help to even change his attitute, and only think me.
    Kindly advice?

    1. No the mantra should not be chanted during the periods. We do not give personal advise to anyone, the rest is mentioned in the post.

    2. Namastee Sirji,
      Thank you for your prompt reply。
      Need to knw if this mantra help to change his attitute,and think of me only。
      Kndly advice。
      Many thanks

    3. The post says it does. Kindly read the post.

    4. Hello Mr Neel,

      The post does not state whether this mantra is applicable to your former lover or you have to be in a relationship during the mantra chanting time

  4. Hello,
    I need to ask if you've any mantra so tht I can control my so called b-friend, that he shuld only listens to me, not his family, as I want him to stay away from them as they're very greedy. I want him to give me everything, eg, money, property, it should be under my name so the when he dies I get them not his family, and he should obey only me.

    1. Hello Neel,
      I'm waiting for your reply anxiously, as now he's under my control, but sometimes he gets out of control, therefore, would like to start this mantra very soon. Also let me know if I need to feed him something during the mantra s that it becomes more effective. Please reply.

    2. The procedure is given in the post; success or failure is dependent on how you do the Sadhana

    3. Sorry,I didn't get you. What you mean by Sadhana? How do I get tht?

    4. Chanting this mantra is known as sadhna when you focus on specific person and chant...

  5. @Rani Asra Gidwani - Kindly share your success stories on when u start and when u got results after completing the Mantra Sandhana. It will be helpful to visitors of this website.


  6. Sir, since no specific number of chants, then 108 chants daily are sufficient ? Plz let us know, it'll be a great help !

  7. can this mantra help to get person in relation...who knows eachother but dont talk

  8. Hello,
    Will this mantra work on someone who is friendly towards you (thanks to other love spells) or does it only work on someone who is heartless towards you?

  9. Dear Sir,with all due respect i just wanna point out two things which are a matter of immediate concern to me and maybe to almost all the followers of this website.
    Firstly,most of the comments that i post are rejected and never visible even though they contain nothing vulgar or obnoxious.Please fix this problem as soon as possible.
    Secondly,in 99% of the posts containing information about mantras and yantras seem to tell nothing about the diet that the sadhak should take meaning to say that should the sadhak abstain from eating non veg??especially in this post and also in
    i wanted to know if its ok to eat non veg during the number of days given.
    Anyhow regardless of these problems i do want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for the noble work of spreading knowledge and helping to diminish darkness in our lives.All the very best to you!!!

    1. If diet and other details are a requirement of the Sadhana, then, care is taken to mention it in the post.
      However, if not required, then there is no need to mention it in the post.
      If such details and requirements are not mentioned, then you can take it for granted that it is not essential.

  10. Dear Neel ji,

    Could you let me know the source or origin of this mantra i.e. from where you found it? I could not find this mantra anywhere else over the internet. Thank you for the great work on this site.

  11. @Neel sir: If you could mention this in your post would be helpful to other viewers. Pronunciation of the sanskrit mantra is to be done as follows.

    "Om hoom om hoom rheem"

    Hum is pronounced as hoom.
    Hreem has 'H' consonant that is silent, pronounced as Rheem with a slight touch of 'h'.

    1. You are correct, but there is a fixed translation pattern followed by most persons not well-versed with Sanskrit, mostly Westerners, so usually translation to arrive at the exact pronunciation becomes a problem.
      For Indians, there should be no problem.

  12. Dear Neel sir,

    I would know the source or origin of this mantra i.e. where could we find it (veda)?
    I could not find this mantra anywhere else over the internet.

    Thank you for your time and effort putting all knowledge in one place.

  13. Guruji,

    Could you please help answer the previous queries in this post, waiting to hear from you? Also, is it fine to practice this prayog in presence of someone else in the room?


  14. This is the same mantra given in other post "Mantra for magnetic attraction powers" where is mentiones its use for 15 days 10k chants per day.. So i'm a bit confused.

    1. Many Mantras have multiple uses and are used for diverse purpose, using different kinds of Tantra procedures.

    2. Dear Neel Sir,

      so can i use this mantra to get my ex-back, chant from 5 to 11 malas (any time of the day)? and hope to get success? as in other post mentions 10k chants per day for the same period of time..

      thank you

    3. You, can chant the Mantra any number of times or at any time of the day or night.

    4. Thank you Very much Neel Sir,

      i hope this is my last question regarding this mantra sadhhna, is it possible to chant this in the same period of time while doing other sadhhna like Vashikaran by photo, or Kamdev Vashikaran mantra or any other vashikaran sadhhna?

      thank you

  15. apologies Neel sir,

    Adding more questions to this, but 2 are generic question regarding vashikaran or attraction mantras.

    My ex-gf lives at some distance (100km), and i have no contact with her through any media. So:

    - are the attraction/vashikaran mantras/sadhhnas, effective for a person living at far distance?

    - chanting randomly through out the whole day will do?

    i want to chant as much as possible, but having a busy schedule.. its difficult to keep a time for doing long time chant of mantras.

    - also regarding the "sound" general question, can we do the mantra chants mentally? low sound? or we have to do it "loud"

    Apologies for so many questions, but i would like to proceed with caution.

    Thank you.

    1. The chances of getting success in any Mantra Experiment is to have faith in a Mantra, concentrate upon it and practice ii wholeheartedly.
      Trying to think and do too many things at the same time reduces the chances of success.

  16. Thank you sir for this mantra. Can this be said silently?

  17. can person chant this mantra take or not non veg food

    1. There are no such restrictions mentioned in the Vashikaran Tantra, if the Mantra Chanter wants he can consume non-veg food.

  18. Sir do we need any special asan for the mantra or we can chant it sitting on a chair or while doing daily chors though being concentrated at mantra as we need to chant as much as possible within 15 days

    1. There are no other special requirements other than what is mentioned in the article to practice this Vashikaran Mantra, you can practice it in whichever manner that suit you.

  19. Sir one more doubt please..... before start chanting the mantra we need to express our desire as if who do we want to attract...which diety shall such pray before start chanting or just pray to bhagwan as one or the cosmos to fulfill our wish

    1. There is no need to do anything more than what is mentioned in the article, when you start any Vashikaran Experiment, you at least know for which person you are practicing it, so what is the use of expressing desire.

  20. When finished with the 15 days and no result, what to do, continue or waiting till succes ?

  21. guru ji apki prophet 666 videos youtube prr hein prr vaha kha gia hein k hmm is mantra ko photo dekhkr jap kre kya hum aise kr skte hein reply plz ap reply nhi kr rehe

    1. Yes, the mantra can be practiced with both photo or mental image, all information is already given in both the post as well as the video.

  22. Neel sir ....Is it hooom...or hum
    Which beeja is correct

  23. Neel Sir, I got my periods on the 13th day of chanting the mantra, Can I start all over again after my periods are over. Will I again have to do it practice it for 15 days all over again?

    1. You can take a break and continue after the completion of the periods.

  24. DEAR Respected Sir,

    I swear ...i got the result within 15 days of chanting this mantra daily 1100.... thanks you Sir...
    Is it necessary to continue the chanting after 15 days......second question is that can i chant this mantra at anytime anywhere while working in office or while traveling

    please advise Sir

    1. Once you have attracted the desired person there is no need to continue chanting the Mantra after 15 days.
      The Mantra can be chanted abywhere, even in the office.



  26. Does it require to take Diksha of this Mantra? Please advise sir

    And Please tell one more thing that Is it necessary to keep chanting after 15 days, even that women attracted towards me keep attracted for lifetime does it require to chant after 15 days

  27. I'm not an experienced man in mantra sadhana, I want to know is there any bad affect of using this mantra on my ex-gf? I want her to be my friend atleast. Will this have bad affect on me?

  28. Sir can we stop chanting this mantra if we don't want to do it anymore after 7/8days? Will there be any bad affects? Im having problems regarding sleep after trying this. Please help me.

  29. I am staying apart from my husband from 3months.
    how many days it will take to get a call or reply from my husband .
    I am chanting this mantra from last 7 days 108 times .

    1. It has been mentioned in the post that the Mantra should be chanted for 15 days.

    2. I understand your situation. Your very question states that you are not yet ready to attract yet.

      You will receive what you want when you "completely" stop your worries and focus on yourself, your own growth first. It takes some time. We attract what we think - literally. You worry - therefore, you attract "lack of". Therefore, when your worries subside, and you use the mantras, it may start revealing its magic slowly.

      Again, it is not an anti-biotic that you eat, to become disease free in prescribed duration. This is a mind's play vs. bending reality to do your bidding. One cannot go without the other. Mind needs to be in-tune with nature, for mantra to act. It starts working when you don't care about the end result anymore - and just do what you should do with "intent focus".. on just one thing i.e. chanting. My 2 cents.

      Wish you the best!


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