Rare and Secret Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa

Today, I have a special article on the significance of  the Hanuman Chalisa. All over everyone is aware about the power of the Hanuman Chalisa. But there are a few rare and secret benefits very few are aware of. These secrets are many and are different for each verse. Other than this, there are lots and lots of Prayogas of the Hanuman Chalisa through which various tasks can be fulfilled. - Ashok Mehta

For all those who are Hanuman or Shri Rama Upasaks, Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa is compulsory without it is very difficult to please them.

If someone is going through Sade Sati and is a beginner in the worship of gods, then, he must light a sesame oil Diya every night in front of a photo of a left facing Hanuman. After this he must recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times. This remedy must be performed every day before going to sleep.

If someone wants to recite the Hanuman Chalisa without harboring any wishes, the Chalisa must be recited at dusk 11 times continuously.

If someone wants wealth and food, the Chalisa must be recited 11 times in afternoon.

If someone wants to get strength, he must recite the Hanuman Chalisa 21 times in the Brahma Muhurat daily. He must offer his daily food as Bhog to Hanuman and only then eat. The food must very very strictly not containing - onions, spices, any kind of salt (normal or iodized), non-veg items, oily items, foods which contain rice, dal, cardamom, carrots, etc.

Many people have very poor Janm Kundli or life predictions. This usually happens due to past sins. As a result of these sins, the person lives a troublesome life all the time from birth to death. For such persons I want to tell that, if you ignore the Hanuman Chalisa, you are bound to suffer for eons.

If such a person wants to get miraculous success in life, he must recite the Hanuman Chalisa 108 times daily for 108 days. Without any doubt he will become successful in life. Not only this, the person who was suffering from poverty and diseases since the past 1000 births will become free from all of them and become one of the dearest of Hanuman.

After completing the Sadhana, the Sadhak must recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times daily for his whole life to get the continuous grace of Hanuman and Shri Rama.

For getting rid of diseases, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 31 times for 40 days in the Brahma Muhurat.

For getting rid of court cases and other problems, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 21 times daily at dusk.

For getting mental strength and getting rid of fear of any kind, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 items at dusk.

For getting rid of ghosts, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times at dusk and then light Kapoor and Guggul in your house and let the smell of Guggul reach every where.

For getting intelligence, write the Mantra mentioned here on a Bhojpatra with Chandan and roll the Bhojpatra and keep it in your mouth and then recite the Hanuman Chalisa 21  times at dusk for 21 days. The Bhojpatra must can be changed if it gets damaged. Mantra - Hanuman Mool Mantra. This Prayog is said to give an extremely powerful growth in intelligence and smartness.

For getting praised and becoming known and respected by all the 3 worlds, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 21000 times within a fixed number of days.

For becoming valorous and fearless recite the Hanuman Chalisa 21 times daily.

There are many people in everyone's lives who always demotivate you or spread hatred against you, to stop such people, recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times daily.

If recited 11 times daily it removes dangers, seen or unforeseen.

The Stotra makes Hanuman your guide for the entire life and he always guides you on what to do and teaches you what is wrong or right in life. It makes you a righteous person.

It removes all and every kind of Dosh or difficulties you have in life. Your mind will become an ocean of knowledge.

The person generates a mesmerizing aura around himself and everyone feels attracted towards him.

Lord Hanuman will always fulfill all your wishes is the Hanuman Chalisa is recited daily with devotion.

For every problem that you face in life, Hanuman will come in some or the other way to help you out and guide you.

He will reduce the efforts required to complete a task and make your all endeavor successful.

If someone is going through depression, he must without fail recite the Hanuman Chalisa 11 times daily.

Lord Hanuman himself guides the person who recites the Hanuman Chalisa and if the person does as Hanuman decides, without any doubt he will get great name and fame. This is an experienced fact by many.

Those who take refuge in Hanuman and the Hanuman Chalisa are provided with all the happiness and peace without any doubts. Not only this, such a person does not fear anything in life.

Ghosts and spirits never affect a true and devoted Hanuman Bhakt.

All wind related diseases, bodily diseases and mental diseases get removed by person who chants this Chalisa.

The person who recites the Chalisa by meditating upon him with all attention, lord Hanuman removes his all problem. This is true.

Any kind of wish which is asked for to Hanuman is always fulfilled.

The miseries which a person must have been facing for thousands of births will be removed with the help of this Chalisa.

The person who recites this Stotra 108 times for 108 days without any doubt reaches Vaikunth.

There is no need of worshipping any other god as all wishes will be fulfilled by the grace of Hanuman.

One who recites this Stotra before doing a task or work will definitely get success in it and Lord Shiva himself is the witness of this fact.

The person gets the grace of Hanuman, Rama, Lakshman, Sita and Shiva. Without any doubt.

The person will make great friends and get rid of any kind of bad company or habits. He will always be happy and joyful in life and everyone will get attracted by the person's happiness. He will make long lasting and very reliable friends in life.

No one will ever be able to fool or forge a person who recites the Hanuman Chalisa daily. Black magic will automatically get nullified in front of a Hanuman Bhakt. He will never experience Graha Peeda caused by Shani Dev or Angarak Dev.

One will attain astonishing benefits if he chants the Hanuman Chalisa verses with the Samput of Shri Ram Jay Ram mantra.


  1. Sir can u please tell how to do samput of Hanuman chalisa with an example,please sir

    1. ॥ राम जय राम जय जय राम । श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि ।
      बरनउँ रघुबर बिमल जसु जो दायकु फल चारि ॥
      राम जय राम जय जय राम ।।

    2. If we are reciting entire chalisa should we do the samput for each and every line as you mentioned above

    3. Sir, how do I take diksha of Om namah shivaay mantra? Until now, I have done nothing special in sadhnas, my mind is itself too disturbed to do anything. I need my mind to become quiet. I m tired of it.

  2. Ashok ji can I use Hanuman Maran and Vashikaran Mantra for Attracting God's like Lord Shiva in My Life and please also tell what is Hanuman Chalisa verses with the Samput of Shri Ram Jay Ram mantra.

    1. how can u think that you can attract god like shiva by vashikaran mantra!!!!

  3. Respected Sir,
    I have a request to make.
    I could not find the left facing SHRI HANUMAN photo anywhere here,
    There are many photos on internet,but I don't know the right one,.
    So,please sir it's a humble request ,please post a left facing SRI HANUMAN pic here,or you may paste an internet link from where we can download.
    Effort will be helpful
    Thank you...

    1. A description of the same has been given by me on the article which describes different forms of Hanuman. Please refer to the same

  4. Dear Ashok Sir,
    Thank you so much for sharing with us this info.But how many times should we chant chalisa in order to get your wishes fulfilled?Any wishes?pls help.

    1. It depends for kind of wish and the same has been clearly specified in the post

    2. Pranam Ashok ji ! I am a natural Hanuman Bhakta from my school days, and chant Hanuman chalisa by heart , I grew up in Varanasi and Sankatmochan Hanuman was my guru and every thing... never asked anything from him and he gave me more than I ever expected... but from last 15 years ( though have good grahas and very good dasha... have learn jyotish too ...) my miseries seem to have no end, financial problem is the main one ... now my love for Bhagwan is not Nishkam so God is not listening, if I recite 11 times daily to get rid of financial problems, is that be ok? I don't think I can recite 108 times ... please guide

    3. You must worship your lagna lord and chant his beej mantra 10 mala daily. Hanuman chalisa is a shanti stotra. Hanuman chalisa's effects reduce if chanted with a wish. It is best chanted as nishkam

  5. Dear Sir,
    How many times to recite for pregnant mothers during pregnancyfor the prenatal development of their baby?pls give us remedies and advice so that child becomes exceptional?

    1. Pregnant women must not recite hanuman chalisa or any mantra.
      However, they can still chant ram naam mentally without any rosary

    2. could u pls give us tips later on how to do remedies to have an healthy baby during the prenatal stage?

    3. Yes.I got it.For wishfulfilling,one must refer to your earlier post.using coconut and thread and chant hanuman chalisa

    4. If any pregnant lady already chanted hanuman chalisa what will affect to her/child and why it is denied?

  6. Thanks a lot for this information, sir i am a devotee of hanuman, i am a gym trainer, i eat boiled eggs, so is there any problem with it? Can i eat eggs or not?

  7. Dear Ashok sir,
    I would like to ask you questions related to personal life. To seek your valuable advice where should I post it? Can I email you? If possible can you please reply on speak2jacksmith@gmail.com.
    Jack Smith.

  8. Ashok Sir,Neel Sir,for strengthand to become valorous and fearless,hanuman chalisa should be recited 21 times daily for how many days?AND for mesmerizing aura and to make everyone attracted towards him,hanuman chalisa should be chanted how many times for how many days?

    1. There is no such limit. You must keep on reciting on and on

    2. Ashok Sir,Neel Sir,Shri Ram And Hanuman Consciousness,i have 2 questions....please give me answer:-
      1)If one wants to get Darshan Of HANUMAN,how should one do anushthaan of Hanuman Chalisa or how many times one must recite hanuman chalisa and for how many days one should do the prayog?

      2)And,jis tarah se kisi mantra ko 1.25 lakh times jaap karne se siddh kiya jata hai ussi tarah se If one wants to do SIDDHI of HANUMAN CHALISA,kaise karein SIR?

    3. 1. This is Ashok Mehta and this is my new account.
      Everyone doesn't get darshan of Hanuman however you can chant Hanuman Chalisa 108 times daily for 108 days.
      2) Hanuman Chalisa doesn't need siddhi. It is swayam siddh

  9. Ashok sir, i didnt understand what is left facing hanuman image. searched google, but no use.please post it for helping me.

    1. Look at this link -

  10. pranam ashok sir, at present I'm going through a very bad phase of life that I'm fed of this life and I'm feeling like everything is in opposite of mine ,since I'm a hanuman devotee I was chanting hanuman chalisa but I could do this only for maximum of 1 week but after one week some or the other an obstacle is coming and I'm not even able to continue the chalisa and my surrounding people are not believers of god including my parents and they don't like me chanting hanuman chalisa so I was chanting at 3 am but couldn't continue, anything what I'l do will stop at half and will not continue ,please tell me something that I can do between 3 am and 5 30 am,please sir since I don't want to do any sadhana or prayog as I'm not even eligible for it

    1. All these are tests of god. Problems will come and people known to you will oppose. These are well known tests of god.
      You must keep the mindset thay you will not give up and keep on reciting no matter how difficult the conditions get. The more worse the conditions get, the more you must chant the chalisa and then, you will gain the special grace of Hanuman.
      It might also because you may because you may be reciting wrong.
      If you cannot recite, you can also listen to chalisa and get benefits.

      जय वीर हनुमान
      जय श्री राम

    2. Thank you sir for your valuable suggestions, il continue reciting Hanuman chalisa Daily without fail..
      Jay Shree Ram
      Jay Hanuman

  11. dear sir
    for intelligent.can we use other things or leaves instead of bhojpatra.
    can done in morning?

    1. Only and only bhojpatra can be used and the prayog can be done in brahma muhurat also

  12. Hello Ashok Sir,

    Just for worship, is it required to chant Hanuman Chalisa 11 times in a row ? Or 11 time daily ? Because i recite many others stotras.

    And is it true that (someone said me) during periods ladies should stop any kind of worship even Hanuman Chalisa ?

    1. Yes. Chalisa must be recited 11 times altogether. You can recite other stotra before or after completion of the 11 recitations of Hanuman Chalisa.
      Ladies must stop all kinds of worship during periods but they can still chant Ram naam mentally without using any rosary

  13. Namaste,
    In one of your earlier post you had mentioned for Graha Dosh, Hanuman Chalisa should be read 21 times for 40 days. And this should be repeated 4 times. Will it help for people with poor janm kundali or bad life predictions..

    1. It will definitely help but you must not stop at 4 times but keep on reciting chalisa daily as a part of life

  14. Thank you so much. How many times should it be read daily later?

  15. I am separated and my kids are with me but since dad is more fun loving - take him for movies give them more game time kids are being distracted from studies. How can I get them on track to stay focused.

  16. Sir i was reading hanuman bahuk today n as i was reading i fealt very depressed a wave of sadness entered me ..... i hv been reading bahuk for 4 days contenously for my health ....
    Why this happned does god doest want me to read ...?

    1. May Be Hanumanji Is Testing You....when we try to accomplish a GREAT task or a sadhana PROBLEMS and OBSTACLES surely arises from different direction,but we should be unmoving and unperturbed and like a ROCK like LORD HANUMAN....Jai Hanuman

  17. Sir, can samput be used while reciting mahveer chalisa. Like
    Shri ram jai ram jai jai ram
    Bajrani tumharo naam hai pavanputra hanuman, kripa kijiye bath ab das apno Jan
    Shri ram jai ram jai jai ram
    Please tell?

  18. From past few days, I'm reciting hanuman chalisa 11 times at evening...
    Sir please suggest what more can I do so that I can go abroad for studies asap.

  19. I need to bring success progress in my sons life.
    He is consuming alchohol as he does not have a proper job anad a family with 2 small kids.How many times do I need to chant the chalisa to bring in happiness in his life

    1. Take a sankalp on his behalf and recite the chalisa 31 times daily

  20. How to perform this puja, and at what time and for how many days?

  21. Sirji- Sadhana of 108 times daily for 108 days, be spread over multiple sittings throughout the day ?

  22. Namaste for female 108 times 108 days works .. as there will be break of 5 days .. can you please let me know how to read 108 times 108 dayd

    1. Yes it will work. It is okay if you take breaks during those days

  23. Guruji what are the restrictions to follow when we do for 108 days. Also can you please let me know how many days I have to do as my husband is having extra marital affairs also he drinks and he has gambling too. Please reply me. Thank you

    1. I suggest you to recite Rama gayatri mantra by taking sankalp on his behalf. 5 rosary daily for 40 days

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thanks so much guruji . I have started chanting it 5 rosary daily in the evening and stopped having non vegetarian . Anything else I need to implement . Please let me know

  26. Hello Sir,
    Thank you for giving hope and directing people back towards the Devine.
    Sir, a few questions I needed your help with, firstly, being a woman, how can I accomplish the 108 days of Hanuman Chalisa prayog?
    Secondly, what other exemptions are required from daily life for a family person living in joint family.
    Kindly guide me.

    1. You can take break during monthly cycle and adjust number of days accordingly

  27. Hi Sir,
    My mother is highly accident prone and her health is not good. How many times and for how many days should I recite Hanuman chalisa for her? Thanks

  28. Can I do Kali puja along with Hanuman chalisa reciting at some other time

  29. Respected ashok sir
    I have 2 questions might sound weird but

    Can we do hanuman chalisa 108 times
    3 times a day
    Morning noon and evening

    And what is the meaning of
    Jo sat bar path kar koi chhuthi bande maha sukh hoi

    1. If, i may -
      "Jo shata bāra pāthakar koī chhūtahi bandi mahāsukha hoī" means,
      One who recites chalisa 100 times, will be free of bonds and achieve immense happiness/bliss.


  30. namaste mehta ji & neel ji,
    i hv few question regarding hanuman chalisa,

    1.what is correct procedure to read hanuman chalisa

    2.from my childhood m reading 11 times per day hanuman chalisa,nd m from libra lagan is it fine to read hanuman chalisa daily.

    3.for success in life is it hanuman chilsa is sufficient (m not doubting it just asking)m asking because someone told me that libra lagan people should read chalisa only on tuesday as libra doesnt hv mangal is not guru gra of libra

  31. Namaste sir, you said that during period days ladies should not worship any god. I read hanuman chalisa daily .so I just want to ask if I recite hanuman chalisa mentally or in a low volume instead of reading from book then would it be OK? Please guide me sir.

    1. During the days of the Monthly Cycle it is better to refrain from any kind of Puja-Mantra Chanting.

  32. Sir,

    have fill lot of problem in my job and my health is not good as i lIke.I have read hanuman chalisa three times along whith other mantra. But result not familiar. so kindly give advice about reciting hanuman chalisa.

    1. Simply chanting Hanuman chalisa will not give results, whichever mantra or stotra u choose faith is utmost important,you should chant hanuman chalisa facing north direction on Kush aasan and light some incense sticks and sesame oil , Hanuman chalisa if chanted in Brahma muhurt gives quicker results!!

    2. I have got unexpected result in three months. Thanks. Lord ganesh
      worship along with hanuman chalsa.

  33. Namaste
    can you tell me that how much days requires to complete 21000 times recitation?

    1. It depends on number of times you chant the chalisa

  34. Namaste,
    I am going through a very bad phase of my life from last 7 months, no job, no mental peace n financially finished. Also there is a lot of loan amount is on my head. Now please tell me what to do because I have tried everything. Starting from hanuman chalisa to sunderkand.

    1. मेरी राय मे सायंकाल रावण कृत शिवतांडवस्तोत्र का पाठ करें,यह संपतिदायक स्तोत्र है.इस्के साथ दारिद्र्य दहन शिव स्तोत्र भी पढ़ लें. ऋण मुक्ति के लिए प्रातः गजेंद्र मोक्ष का पाठ करे.श्रद्धा और विश्वास के साथ पाठ करें,अवश्य फल मिलेगा.

  35. Sir, how many times i need to spell hanuman chalisa to overcome negative thought and always my mind thinks about harming my self.. I want to get rid of that and led a normal life as i was..

    1. Chant 11 times at dusk.


  36. Namaste Sir,
    I am having always family problems in my life,me and my family is never at peace but last 7 months has just become too much unbearable.My elder sister is suffering in marriage problems and my whole family is suffering from diseases,we have got into ugly fights with her in laws,i even dont know what to pray,we tried best to save her marital life but nothing is working,i am very much confused,from my childhood i had strong belief in hanumanji but all this totally broke my faith in him,i stopped praying to him which i used to do since last 15 years continously.Kindly help me,please suggest something to get something back to normal,plzzzzzzzzzzz reply its urgent.

    1. There are some really simple mantras and remedies, which are also very effective, I suggest you look around the site to select the one that suits you the best.

    2. घर मे ग्रह दोष होने से भी कई बार इस प्रकार की विपत्तियाँ आती हैं ,तथा ग्रहों का नकारात्मक प्रभाव दिखाई देता है.घर मे सुगंधि(चंदन,क्पूर)का प्रयोग करें ,रोज गूगल की धूनी देन.सुबह शाम सभी सदस्य मिलकर सामूहिक पूजा व आरती ज़रूर करें .
      रोज स्नान के बाद तांबे के लोटे मे जल से सूर्य को अर्घ्य दें .
      विपत्ति नाश के लिए---
      आटे से बना दीया,दो बाती,एक नींबू,सात मिर्च,सात लड्‍डू,दो लौंग,दो बड़ी इलायची -ये सब चीज़ें बड़ या केले के पत्ते पर रखें .रात्रि 12 बजे इसे लेकर घर से चौराहे के लिए . निकलें . निकलते समय विनय करें-हे दुर्भाग्य,संकट,विपत्ति,आप सब मेरे साथ चलें .चौराहे पर जाकर सामग्री सहित पत्ते को बीच चौराहे पर रख दें .हाथ जोड़ कर प्रार्थना करें -मे विदा ले रहा हूँ,आप मेरे साथ न आवें .चारों रास्ते खुले हुए हैं,आप कहीं भी चलें जाएँ .
      घर आ जाएँ,दो एक महीने मे परिणाम देखें .

    3. Hlo Deepa Dubey..
      Please visit salangpur hanumanji temple near Botad junction,gujrat.
      Take the puja from the priest of the temple..
      It's my guarantee that all of urs family problems will go away soon.
      It just cost 30-40 rs for tat puja.
      It has helped me in my very bad time of my life.
      Please visit as soon as possible

  37. Pranaam Ashok. Can I know if it is possible to recite the Hanumana Chalisa for 21,000 times without setting a due date for its completion because I supposed it the number of times for the recitation that count not the fixed number of days? Kindly advise

    1. It should be performed as prayog,like you have to chant it within a fixed period like 41 days 108 days etc,since 21000 times cannot be completed in 41 days you can increase the days

  38. Can a patient with back problem recite chalisa in lying sleeping position??
    As I am not able to sit more than 15 minutes..

  39. Guruji youtube pr btaya gya ki chalisa ke last me jaha "tulsidas sada hari chera kije nath hriday mah dera" yaha par apna naam bolna hai tulsidas ki jagah kya ye sahi h plz reply?

  40. Naman! m in fear of death and atma after my friend committed suicide... i want to enchant Hanuman Chalisa. Please tell me the time and the way.

  41. sir can we read Hanuman Chalisa on behalf of someone else to protect them from Sade sati and black magic?

    1. You can recite the Hanuman Chalisa for the welfare of any person.

  42. Namaste!!!I wanted to improve my performance in job can you please suggest me how many times should i recite

  43. Respected sir,
    My age is 44, I have not settled in life, everyone cheated me, including sister's, what i have to do, how many times i have to read Hanuman chalisa.
    Thanking you sir,
    Madhu Sudhan Rao from Kurnool.

    1. You better to go ayyapa or datta swami or ragavendra swami ...9505005071

  44. Sir myself Sachin, I want to chat hanuman chalisa 21000 times. As I have faced lot of problems including health and faced lot of failures till now. Now my position is really bad. So I need to know that can I chant hanuman chalisa 21000 times in 108 times. As it is specified as fixed number of days.
    Is it to chanted in one sitting or can I take break

  45. Can I read my name instead of Tulsidas in Hanuman Chalisa?

  46. Namaste. For getting new job, how many times should I chant Sri Hanuman Chalisa ? Morning or Evening ? For how many days ?Please advise.


  47. I wanna excel in my career. I wanna settle in New York or California. How many times should I chant Hanuman Chalisa ?

  48. यदि हनुमानजी में अगाध श्रद्धा और विश्वास हो ,तभी हनुमान चालीसा का अनुष्ठान
    करें अन्यथा अनुष्ठान फलदायी नहीं होता है .
    हनुमान चालीसा में ही व्यक्त किया गया है -जो शत बार पाठ कर कोई...,याने सौ बार (यहां १०० से तात्पर्य १०८ समझना चाहिए )पाठ करने से महासुख होगा ,कार्यसिद्धि होगी .इसके लिए स्वयं महादेव जी गवाह हैं (होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीशा हनुमान चालीसा का यह पूरा अनुष्ठान १०८ पाठ का है ,जो एक ही बार एक बैठक में किया जाना आवश्यक है .एक पाठ में ३ मिनट लगते हैं ,अतः १०८ पाठ करने में ५ घंटे से कुछ अधिक समय लगेगा .पूजन आदि को मिलाकर ६-७ घंटे लगेंगे .
    यह बताना आवश्यक है कि इस अनुष्ठान के ६-७ घंटे की अवधि में एक बार आसन में बैठने के बाद किसी भी स्थिति में आसन से उठना नहीं है .कैसे भी कोई बाधा आये ,आ सकती हैं ,अनुष्ठान के समय न जाने क्यों आती भी हैं ,परन्तु आसन
    से उठना नहीं है ,लघुशंका आदि के लिए भी नहीं .इन सबसे आसन पर बैठने से पहले ही निबट लें .ऐसी व्यवस्था रखें कि किसी भी स्थिति में उठना न पड़े .पास में पेयजल रखें ,ताकि गला सूखने पर पानी पी सकें ,वह भी तब जब एक पाठ पूरा हो जाय तथा दूसरा शुरू करना हो .यदि यह सामर्थ्य हो तो अनुष्ठान करें .
    यदि आप शारीरिक अक्षमता ,बीमारी ,व्यस्तता आदि से स्वयं अनुष्ठान करने में समर्थ न हों तो परिवार के किसी सदस्य या अन्य व्यक्ति ,जो नियमपूर्वक अनुष्ठान कर सके ,से भी अपने लिए अनुष्ठान करा सकते हैं .इसके लिए आप अनुष्ठान स्थल पर संकल्प लेकर उस व्यक्ति को आपकी और से अनुष्ठान के लिए अधिकृत कर सकते हैं ,तथा वह व्यक्ति भी आपकी और से अनुष्ठान करने के लिए संकल्प लेगा ,तभी फल आपको मिलेगा अन्यथा नहीं .

  49. Sir,
    My husband sent divorce notice to me. Please tell me how to make him cancel it and look after me again. How to recite Hanuman Chalisa for the same.. Thanks

  50. Sir, I have learnt that water has memories. What I do is that I play the audio of 108 times Hanuman Chalisa over Bluetooth speaker over a glass of water and drink it in morning.

    1. Yes, that is true because infusion of water is prescribed for a lot of Mantra Experiments of all kinds.

  51. I'm in a country where our culture is to eat non veg. My daily activities require lots of energy and i need a lots of food to survive. I won't be able to do my daily tasks if I decide to go vegetarian, infact you won't even find any vegetarian foods in the market. Anyone who looks for non veg here is seen as a freak. I have no choice but to eat what i can afford and what is available around me. I want to start reciting the chalisa for removing obstacles like this, will it work?
    I don't know how to take sankalp, i don't have access to diya or any other puja tools. There are so many obstacles which arise naturally as i result of where I'm born which won't allow me to maintain strict non veg etc... What method for chalisa do you prescribe for my condition

  52. The Hanuman Chalisa, a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman in Hinduism, holds a significant place in spiritual practices. Devotees often share stories of experiences they interpret as miracles resulting from the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa. It's crucial to approach these accounts with an understanding of the deep faith and cultural significance surrounding the chant while acknowledging the subjective nature of such experiences.


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